[EURO-Discuss] Fwd: [EuroDIG News] [25/2023 Special Newsletter] - Why you should join the last EuroDIG session

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond ocl at gih.com
Mon Jun 19 12:05:06 UTC 2023

FYI - join as a remote participant to take part in this dialogue.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[EuroDIG News] [25/2023 Special Newsletter] - Why you should 
join the last EuroDIG session
Date: 	Mon, 19 Jun 2023 11:11:12 +0200
From: 	EuroDIG Secretariat <office at eurodig.org>
Reply-To: 	office at eurodig.org
Organisation: 	EuroDIG
To: 	news at list.eurodig.org




By EuroDIG <https://www.eurodig.org>



June 19, 2023

    Special: Why you should join the last EuroDIG session

EuroDIG 2023 has officially kicked off today in Tampere and online! We 
hope to see you around in the upcoming days as well. You can find the 
program and links to the live streams on the EuroDIG Wiki 

Diverse discussions, workshops and talks are taking place, organised and 
hosted by the EuroDIG community who collaborates in a decentralized, 
pan-European process to make our yearly meeting what it is and guarantee 
the relevance and thematic depth of the discussions.

The session outcomes, the EuroDIG Messages, are also openly discussed 
and collaboratively decided upon by participants. This is why we 
especially *invite you to join the last session of our program “Agreeing 
on the Messages” on Wednesday, June 21,  at 14:30 EEST (UTC+3)*. We will 
be supported again by the Geneva Internet Platform in drafting concise, 
meaningful messages that reflect the discussions throughout the meeting, 
but the most important input comes from you, the EuroDIG community.
Make sure not to miss the session, either onsite in the Main Auditorium 
or online! (Information in participation here 


*EuroDIG Secretariat*

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