[EURO-Discuss] 3 - EURALO Newsletter, March 2023

Natalia Filina filinafilka at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 10:31:57 UTC 2023

Dear EURALO members,

The last edition of the EURALO Newsletter is ready to read!
Traditionally  - thank you all who shared the feedback, news, announcements
for this edition, your help and activities are very important.

The Newsletter may be found at the link
https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/EURALO+Newsletters and in
addition to this email.

I share with you not only the Newsletter, but also a special feeling that
we are starting to work together again.
I hope to receive requests from the EURALO community *for missing technical
webinars* (as well as any other knowledge gaps for working within the ICANN
community, which we can make up with the help of the Capacity Building WG).

I would like to remind you about importance to attend EURALO monthly
meetings (part of them are successful RounTables with open discussion),
CPWG calls, ALAC meetings.

I also hope that we can do more together for the upcoming IGF2023 and bring
up actual topics for discussion and propose solutions.

Have a great time there,

Natalia Filina

Secretary of EURALO

ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement, Co-Chair,

+7 906 722 54 61
Moscow, Russian Federation
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