[EURO-Discuss] IGF 2023 Call for Session Proposals

Natalia Filina filinafilka at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 16:11:00 UTC 2023

Dear EURALO members,

Recently (actually several years ago) we had great examples of consolidated
work (within EURALO) and proposals to put on the HIGH table some very
important topics.

We may suggest topics on behalf of our local members, groups and IG actors
separately, but may use the opportunity to move forward *together as
representatives of At-Large, EURALO* with initiatives and raise up actual
hot topics related end-users interests. So I suggest being united. with
our  significant amount of expertise and a desire to be heard:

*IGF 2023 Call for Session Proposals Stakeholders are invited to apply to
organize different types of sessions at IGF 2023 within the deadline: 19
May 2023, 23:59 UTC.*

The IGF 2023 programme will be organized according to the following eight

   - AI & Emerging Technologies

   - Avoiding Internet Fragmentation

   - Cybersecurity, Cybercrime & Online Safety

   - Data Governance & Trust

   - Global Digital Divides & Inclusion

   - Global Digital Governance & Cooperation

   - Human Rights & Freedoms

   - Sustainability & Environment

Hope we may continue this discussion with proposals.

Natalia Filina

Secretary of EURALO

ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement, Co-Chair,

+7 906 722 54 61
Moscow, Russian Federation
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