[EURO-Discuss] Announcement - EURALO Board 2023-2025

Oksana Prykhodko sana.pryhod at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 12:10:43 UTC 2023

Dear all,

I am extremely proud to become a member of the EURALO Board.

I am not sure regarding the legitimacy of the process, but I will do my
best to safeguard the rights of end-users.

Kind regards,

On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 12:24 PM ICANN At-Large Staff via EURO-Discuss <
euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Further to the recent EURALO Board call for candidates, we have a total of
> four candidates who have been nominated/self-nominated and who have all
> accepted their nominations.
> With a sub-regional and gender balance, please find hereafter the names in
> no particular order:
>    - Claire-Mélanie Popineau (Eclairement)
>    - Oksana Prykhodko (iNGO European Media Platform)
>    - Lutz Donnerhacke (Fitug e.V.)
>    - Steinar Grøtterød (ISOC NO)
> The size of the Board being 2-5 members, we are within the remit and
> therefore, hereby request to announce the selection of these candidates by
> acclamation by the EURALO Members. Should there be any contestation, please
> respond on the EURALO Mailing list by Monday 8th January 2024. Failing any
> contestation, the Board will be seated on Tuesday 9th January 2024 during
> the EURALO Board meeting at 18:00 UTC for a 2 year term (ending 2025 AGM).
> Thank you.
> Kind regards,
> At-Large Staff
> ICANN Policy Team in support of the At-Large Community
> Website: atlarge.icann.org [atlarge.icann.org]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/atlarge.icann.org/__;!!PtGJab4!_FMj7a2EPuPDkroB-rK14maJu_K60gc2PNnv3Fj8XoeN21t64MmZnYifVKY5LWA-qFvnjB9Kvznf0E5mzRRf_g$>
> Facebook: facebook.com/icann [facebook.com]
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> [facebook.com]
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> Twitter: @ [twitter.com]
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> [image: signature_1469161298]
> From: EURO-Discuss <euro-discuss-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org> on
> behalf of Discussion for At-Large Europe <
> euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
> Reply to: At-Large Staff <staff at atlarge.icann.org>
> Date: Monday, 4 December 2023 at 13:19
> To: Discussion for At-Large Europe <euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
> Subject: [EURO-Discuss] Please read - Reminder - NOMINATIONS OPEN - Call
> for Nominations for the election of the EURALO Board 2023-2025
> Deadline Thursday 7 December 2023 at 23:59 UTC
>  Please submit your nominations and self-nominations until Thursday 7
> December at 23:59 UTC by sending an email to the EURALO mailing list and
> copying At-Large staff mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org.
> Message sent on behalf of EURALO’s Chair and Secretariat
> Dear EURALO members,
> The current EURALO Board term ends on 9 December 2023. EURALO's Chair and
> Secretariat would like to announce a call for nominations to fill
> https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/EURALO+Board+2023-2025+Workspace
> for the next 2 years (10 December 2023 – end of ICANN AGM 2025). This call
> is made in accordance with the
> https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/Procedures+and+Policies?preview=/16843067/120820581/EURALO
> Bylaws draft 10-06-2019 FINALv5-clean (1).pdf, the
> https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/EURALO+Information:+Governance,+Leaders+and+Members?preview=/186779828/284950756/20231128_EURALO_RoP_signed.pdf
> (ROP) and
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_download_attachments_53777046_Performance-2Dcriteria-5FBoard-5FSecretariat.pdf-3Fversion-3D1-26modificationDate-3D1444426126000-26api-3Dv2&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=ds9md1zoepmwqw2nfk-Vs9ssxn1I3jPs97ekKkctEkM&m=uH6rhLVHXzz1YfhbIQlJ_-Iu_Wj1boE4MDzX1ExE9CQ&s=CsKYExIOA6aUn5tQkz9Uixkgq6qlEDJF7Q9n-yVTvic&e=
> .
> Please note the current Board will remain in place until the new Board is
> elected.
> In addition, there is a need for Board members as a whole, to share
> responsibilities with the EURALO Chair and Secretariat in assuming the
> following topics:
> 1. Legal issues
> 2. Policy Development
> 3. Communication including leading the work on the EURALO
> website/WIKI/Facebook page.
> 4. Outreach with communities outside ICANN
> Please note the rules and agreements applicable to this election (see
> document attached). In accordance with these agreements, kindly note:
> 1. The size of the EURALO Board will be 2-5 members, plus ex-officio, the
> EURALO Chair and EURALO Secretary;
> 2. There should be a maximum limit of 1 Board member per country;
> 3. As is the usual custom in votes involving people, votes will take place
> by secret ballot;
> 4. The Board will be selected for a two-years-term;  not performing Board
> members can be recalled after one year to allow to be replaced by better
> candidates.
> The EURALO Board should be balanced but EURALO has not reached a consensus
> on having direct absolute criteria for geographical (East/Western Europe)
> or gender criteria. As geographical and gender balance are important in our
> region, we ask you to consider these issues when making your selection.
> Please submit your nominations and self-nominations from Thursday 30
> November 2023 until Thursday 7 December 2023 at 23:59 UTC by sending an
> email to the EURALO mailing list and copying At-Large staff mailto:
> staff at atlarge.icann.org. All candidates who accept their nominations by
> the deadline above must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI).
> The online vote will start on Friday 08 December 2023 until Friday 15
> December 2023 at 23:59 UTC.
> At-Large Staff will note the nominations on the following Wiki:
> https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/EURALO+Board+2023-2025+Workspace
> Thank you for your active participation in this election process!
> Kind regards,
> Gisella
> ——————
> Gisella Gruber
> Manager, At-Large Relations and Operations Support, ALAC-At-Large
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
> Email: mailto:gisella.gruber at icann.org
> Tel: tel:+44 7545 334360
> Skype ID:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__gisella.gw&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=PqnmlD10aN3cxIHyiUf_hNf25P6Dsv7dJM6flBzRrBs&m=DMVLeb1g8oJ6gdbQVqz99sWUBIbbFK0_e1TBFQXWLiw&s=-6rdzktgfnAZYAxJ31qNN4PEFoMv1Novn91ItX4-0sA&e=
> _______________________________________________
> EURO-Discuss mailing list
> EURO-Discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org
> https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/euro-discuss
> Homepage for the region: http://www.euralo.org
> _______________________________________________
> By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your
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