[Euro-board] Action Items from EURALO General Assembly: EURALO Board member Tasks

Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond ocl at gih.com
Mon Apr 17 19:38:35 UTC 2017

Dear Colleagues,

one of the EURALO General Assembly's action items was:

  * The EURALO Board to discuss the issue on how to divide the
    tasks/work among themselves during their next call.

Kicking off the discussion, I'd like to remind you first of your
commitments to what you would look forward to do whilst active on the

Annette and Erich: you still have not filled in these goals? I am rather
surprised that you do not have any.

Then comes the discussion between Jean-Jacques Subrenat and me:

--- cut here ---
> I suggest we consider the following:
> What are the essential functions the EURALO Board must undertake or
> uphold? Each item is followed by a recommendation.
> _1) Ensure conformity of EURALO procedure and actions with existing
> legal or structural obligations_ (ICANN, ALAC and EURALO By-laws,
> Rules of procedure, Accepted standards in meetings, etc.). This
> applies, but is not limited to: membership, quorum, elections, rough
> consensus.
> *Recommendation 1*: a Board member with experience in these areas, and
> perhaps with a legal background, should be appointed as the « Legal
> reference point ».

Excellent idea.

> _2) Consolidate relations with ALAC and other parts of ICANN_. As in
> most ACs and SOs, the Chair of EURALO does this, and does it well
> (good visibility, good inter-personal skills, deep knowledge of the
> issues).
> *Recommendation 2*: no change.

I would like to see our ALAC members take an extra care in fostering the
link between ALAC and EURALO. They are our ambassadors on the ALAC. I
would also like to see them take a leadership role on the ALAC, like
Chairing a working group. As for the EURALO Board members, ideally they
could chair a EURALO working group.

> _3) Enhance cooperation between EURALO and its ALSs_. Over the years,
> this function has been carried out mainly by the Chair and/or
> Secretary. But with the gradual growth in the number of ALSs, this now
> requires a dedicated approach. Among other areas where cooperation
> would be appreciated: help in launching ALS surveys, help in
> participating in ICANN events, travel and accommodation support, etc.
> *Recommendation 3*: designate a Board member who, with the help of
> Support Staff, would be the prime contact point for all EURALO ALSs.

Would this be an "inreach" officer? I would really support this too.

> _4) Consolidate EURALO contributions to ALAC and ICANN policy
> development_. 
> One of the current tasks is the appraisal of the At-Large Review:
> because of its complexity, but even more because of the implications
> of some of the recommendations in that Review, it is necessary to make
> sure that contributions are made on time, and that they are relevant.
> *Recommendation 4*: designate a Board member who is familiar with
> Policy development in the ICANN ecosystem, and who has a track record
> of making trains depart and arrive on time, at the right station.

--- cut here ---

The topic was discussed during the EURALO General Assembly and there was
support for each EURALO Board member to undertake a function.
So next question: are we agreeing that Board members should undertake a
function? I think that the pressure from our members is such that the
EURALO Board can only say yes.
So next question: are there volunteers for tasks?

Kindest regards,


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