[Euro-board] Suggested draft EURALO agenda for 21 July teleconference

Lutz Donnerhacke lutz at iks-jena.de
Fri Jul 17 13:41:03 CDT 2009

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 10:16:43AM -0700, Heidi Ullrich wrote:
> Given the pressing need to begin discussing the process by which EURALO will be choosing liaison candidates, it would be very useful if the next EURALO meeting could be held during July. Could someone else chair the meeting on the 28th? Staff will be happy to send out a doodle to determine a possible date/time. 

I'm in Stockholm from July, 24th to 28th. On every other day I'm happy to
help with organizing and guiding the telco. My childs will love you for not
starting between 6pm and 8pm. :-)

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