[At-Large] UA Days

Christian de Larrinaga cdel at firsthand.net
Fri Mar 29 17:00:42 UTC 2024

You are a wonderful voice of sanity and respect for humankind.
thank you Roberto

Roberto Gaetano via At-Large <at-large at atlarge-lists.icann.org> writes:

> Hi all 
> I have attended the UA Days in Belgrade. I am taking the opportunity of a delay in my flight back to drop some
> notes.
> The meeting was very interesting. We had a full house in the morning, with numbers decreasing in the afternoon.
> I don’t know about the online participation. Please find the programme here: https://uaday.rs/program/?lang=en
> The first panel was about multilingualism, Sally Costerton was among the speakers. It seems that the concept
> that the ultimate goal is multilingualism in the Internet is taking speed. To be noted that Anil Kumar Jain, UASG
> Chair, mentioned the four “pillars” among which there is no mention of the role of the user community.
> Interesting contribution by Leonid Todorov, arguing that we will have a stronger push to UA readiness from
> places and people that are more disadvantaged rather than from places and people that are better aware - in an
> intellectual way - about the need for equality of opportunities in internet access.
> The second panel featured some registries that have been active in achieving results in term of UA readiness. I
> was the last speaker, and brought the point of view of the users, who are the most affected by lack of UA, making
> also a couple of examples. The good news is that my contribution was well received, the bad news is that I made
> the point that the user community should play a role - I argued that it should be the “fifth pillar” in the UA
> strategy - as users can put pressure on the providers that are not UA ready, proposing that we have a paradigm
> shift from “providers will graciously become UA compliant as a bonus for the users” to “users worldwide have the
> right to demand that all users have the same Internet experience regardless their language or script they use”.
> The bad news is in the fact that I have proposed that the user community - and At-Large at the forefront - use
> their footprint in the wider community to build awareness of the user rights and produce pressure - also in
> collaboration with governments - to providers to be UA compliant. That means a call for action for At-Large.
> In summary, we need to move from being spectators, waiting for things to happen, for the technical community
> to provide solutions, for providers to deploy UA-compliant services, to an active part of the community to
> demand and obtain the same level of service for all Internet users, regardless language, script, physical location,
> or other factors.
> Cheers,
> Roberto
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Christian de Larrinaga 

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