[At-Large] DomainIncite : Is this why WhatsApp hates some TLDs but not others?

bzs at theworld.com bzs at theworld.com
Sat Sep 16 04:53:06 UTC 2023

How about selling tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of
machine-generated domains to spammers/phishers for a steeply discounted

On September 15, 2023 at 15:20 karl at cavebear.com (Karl Auerbach) wrote:
 > In order to avoid reading the actual text (yes, I am lazy) what is the
 > definition of "DNS security abuse"?
 > The reason I ask is that I've seen the phrase "DNS abuse" (absent the word
 > "security") tossed about to whine (yes I am being hyperbolic and pejorative)
 > about things such as "this or that practice annoys my cat" or "go to website
 > abc.def.tld and buy solid gold 1kg bars for $1 each."  The first is simply out
 > of ICANN's scope and the second probably violates fraud/misrepresentation laws
 > in pretty much every country and ought to be beyond ICANN's scope.  I would put
 > anything that is covered by national and international trademark law outside
 > the umbra or penumbra of the word "security".
 > On the other hand it would, to my mind, be quite within ICANN's scope to knock
 > registr* bodies and TLD server operators if they do bad things, like leaving
 > logins open via telnet (clear text passwords) or are running on easily
 > penetrated foundations such as (let me pick a crazy example) Windows 95.
 >     --karl--
 > On 9/15/23 10:58 AM, Carlton Samuels via At-Large wrote:
 >     If you missed it, after a year in pending status, the ICANN Board just
 >     voted to reject Recs 14 & 15 from the CCT Review.  These were offered for
 >     mitigating systemic DNS security abuse. 
 >     #14 recommends amendments offering incentives - inclusive of financial ones
 >     - in the [RA/RAA] Agreements for the contracted parties adopting proactive
 >     anti-abuse measures. Nothing too heretical. 
 >     #15 recommends amendments to [RA/RAA] Agreements that establish thresholds
 >     of abuse at which compliance inquiries are automatically triggered and a
 >     higher one at which registrars and registries are presumed to be in default
 >     of their agreements. 
 >     We went on to recommend a community-developed DNS Abuse Dispute Resolution
 >     Policy (DADRP) if ICANN Compliance falls asleep on the enforcement job.
 >     [The text delicately eased into that like only "...if the community
 >     determines that ICANN org itself is ill-suited or unable to enforce such
 >     provisions."] 
 >     In my own view #14 is something regulators do with concessionaires time and
 >     again. Even the "light touch and by suasion" telecoms ones I know well in
 >     my home region. 
 >     Our ICANN don't play that!
 >     Carlton   
 >     ==============================
 >     Carlton A Samuels
 >     Mobile: 876-818-1799
 >     Strategy, Process, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround
 >     =============================
 >     On Thu, 14 Sept 2023 at 20:33, Barry Shein via At-Large <
 >     at-large at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:
 >         As a company which provides email and other internet services maybe if
 >         the new gTLDs agreements included some serious commitment to avoid
 >         allowing the use of these gTLDs for massive spamming and phishing etc
 >         maybe the service providers would have been more enthusiastic about
 >         acceptance.
 >         Unfortunately the opposite is true and many of these new gTlDs can
 >         safely be blocked in entirety, they just spew spam etc, with no
 >         customer complaints.
 >         I'll guess these new gTLD registrars/registries would complain that's
 >         not equitable since it's not required of other TLDs.
 >         Which is all a very nice argument to make sitting in an airless room
 >         somewhere.
 >         So instead they tend to get blocked and ignored, or at least marked
 >         "suspicious" by spam filters, but equitably!
 >         If I had a nickel for every ISP who said or recommended "oh just block
 >         all .pick-a-nGTLD, you and your customers will be happier"...
 >         --
 >                 -Barry Shein
 >         Software Tool & Die    | bzs at TheWorld.com             | http://
 >         www.TheWorld.com
 >         Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: +1 617-STD-WRLD       | 800-THE-WRLD
 >         The World: Since 1989  | A Public Information Utility | *oo*
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        -Barry Shein

Software Tool & Die    | bzs at TheWorld.com             | http://www.TheWorld.com
Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: +1 617-STD-WRLD       | 800-THE-WRLD
The World: Since 1989  | A Public Information Utility | *oo*

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