[ALAC] GAC Liaison Report: ICANN79 Meeting Highlights

Joanna Kulesza jkuleszaicann at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 11:32:28 UTC 2024

Hi Barrack,

Thank you for your message and a great question!

It's clear that within the GAC and beyond, across the ICANN community,
there is strong support for the multistakeholder model as a key component
of the current framework for Internet governance. However, it's important
to acknowledge that individual national perspectives continue to
significantly influence discussions and approaches to these issues, both
within our community and beyond it, notably within the UN First and Third
Committee who are looking into regulating international cybersecurity and
cybercrime on a treaty basis. While there is general support for the WSIS
and NetMundial discussions within the GAC, it's noteworthy that
geopolitical debates are increasingly shifting further away from our
community and our community persepctive might be forever less
representative for the global attitude shifts.

The GAC has previously emphasized the importance of ensuring that ICANN's
plans, positions, and intentions regarding the Global Digital Compact (GDC)
and the WSIS+20 review encompass the multistakeholder model and recognize
the role of the technical community. Concerns have been raised about the
absence of the technical community in the originally proposed definition of
stakeholders in the GDC. The GAC has highlighted that both: ICANN.org and
the ICANN community play a crucial role in these discussions and should
actively contribute to shaping their direction. Coordinated input from all
constituencies and individual ALSes is therefore urgently needed.

I hope this helps. If more information would be useful, please don't
hesitate to reach out.

Warm regards,


wt., 19 mar 2024 o 07:48 Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack at gmail.com>

> Thanks Joana, what's the general mood within the GAC with respect to the
> WSIS issues and the upcoming Net Mundial meeting?
> Regards
> On Mon, 18 Mar 2024, 8:20 pm Natalia Filina via ALAC, <
> alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:
>> Dear Joanna,
>> thank you very much for this summary (as well as for all reports from all
>> our liaisons - great work, detailed explanations).
>> Best regards,
>> Natalia Filina
>> Moscow, Russia
>> сб, 16 мар. 2024 г. в 16:49, Joanna Kulesza via ALAC <
>> alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org>:
>>> Dear ALAC Colleagues,
>>> I hope this message finds you well. As the ALAC Liaison to the GAC, I am
>>> pleased to share with you a summary report highlighting key GAC discussions
>>> and outcomes from the recent ICANN79 meeting, as below. Your feedback and
>>> insights are as always most appreciated.
>>> ---
>>> The ICANN79 meeting took place from March 2 to March 7, 2024, and
>>> comprised various sessions significant to the interests of the end-user
>>> community. The GAC held successful meetings with the Board, Address
>>> Supporting Organization (ASO), Generic Names Supporting Organization
>>> (GNSO), Contracted Parties House (CPH), Nominating Committee (NomCom), and
>>> Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG). These sessions covered a wide
>>> array of topics, reflecting the diverse interests and responsibilities
>>> within the ICANN community.
>>> The designated GAC and ALAC bilateral meeting, held on March 3, 2024,
>>> featured interventions from both committees, including Rosalind Kennybirch
>>> and Tracy Hackshaw from the GAC, and Greg Shatan and Justine Chew from the
>>> ALAC. During the meeting discussed various topics, particularly focusing on
>>> the Applicant Support Program (ASP) for the New gTLD Program, with
>>> following key takeaways:
>>>    - Discussions centered around revisiting challenges from the 2012
>>>    Round of the New gTLD Program and addressing them through different
>>>    components of the ASP. Key points included an overview of the ASP, insights
>>>    into ALAC and GAC perspectives, and elaboration on pending components such
>>>    as SubPro Supplemental Recommendation 17.2. The session aimed to provide
>>>    clarity on the rationale behind the ASP, address challenges for the next
>>>    round, and propose holistic approaches to its implementation.
>>>    - Overall, the meeting underscored collaborative efforts between the
>>>    GAC and ALAC in shaping the ASP for the next round of the New gTLD Program.
>>>    Additional discussions covered topics such as program communications,
>>>    funding, and structure, reflecting a commitment to addressing key issues
>>>    for the successful implementation of the ASP.
>>>    - The session highlighted the importance of stakeholder
>>>    collaboration and proactive measures in enhancing the effectiveness of the
>>>    ASP, ultimately contributing to the advancement of the domain name
>>>    ecosystem within the ICANN community.
>>>    - You can find more details about the session here:
>>>    https://gac.icann.org/sessions/icann79-session-7-gac-meeting-with-the-alac
>>> On March 11th, as a reflection of their ICANN79 meeting considerations,
>>> the GAC published its usual communique, available here:
>>> https://gac.icann.org/contentMigrated/icann79-san-juan-communique with
>>> following key items for the consideration of the At-Large community:
>>>    - The meeting saw significant attendance with 71 GAC Members and 9
>>>    Observers present. The GAC commenced by honoring former Chair Manal Ismail
>>>    with the 2024 ICANN Community Excellence Award for her long-standing
>>>    service and commitment to the multistakeholder model.
>>>    - The GAC also underwent leadership changes with Nicolas Caballero
>>>    assuming the role of Chair along with Vice Chairs WANG Lang, Thiago
>>>    Dal-Toe, Christine Arida, and Zeina Bou Harb. Additionally, new
>>>    appointments and departures were noted in various working groups,
>>>    emphasizing ongoing efforts in areas such as public safety and underserved
>>>    regions.
>>>    - Capacity development workshops covered a broad spectrum of issues
>>>    including ccTLD management, IPv6 adoption, and regional internet registry
>>>    roles. These workshops provided insights and recommendations, highlighting
>>>    the need for continued capacity building, particularly in developing
>>>    countries.
>>>    - Strategic planning discussions focused on priority areas for the
>>>    GAC's strategic objectives, while preparations for the upcoming High-Level
>>>    Government Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda, emphasized the significance of such
>>>    gatherings in reinforcing multistakeholder cooperation.
>>>    - An experimental open-mic session allowed for broader engagement
>>>    within the ICANN community, providing a platform for stakeholders to
>>>    address the GAC directly. Topics such as DNS abuse, cost-benefit analysis
>>>    of new gTLD programs, and registry voluntary commitments were extensively
>>>    deliberated.
>>>    - Regarding DNS abuse, the GAC welcomed new obligations for
>>>    contracted parties and emphasized the importance of effective enforcement
>>>    and reporting mechanisms. Discussions also revolved around the need for a
>>>    comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of new gTLD programs and the
>>>    enforceability of registry commitments, underscoring the necessity for
>>>    careful legal analysis.
>>>    - With regard to registration data, the GAC reiterated support for
>>>    initiatives such as the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) and
>>>    emphasized the importance of accuracy in registration data for various
>>>    legitimate interests while balancing privacy concerns.
>>> *Points of Interest for the At-Large:*
>>>   - Further steps on applicant support were discussed, emphasizing
>>> collaboration between GAC and ALAC.
>>>   - Addressing DNS abuse and enhancing capacity building outreach
>>> remained crucial areas of focus.
>>> Thank you for your kind consideration.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> *Joanna Kulesza*
>>> Director / *Lodz Cyber Hub*
>>> Assistant Professor / *Department of Public International Law and
>>> International Relations / Faculty of Law and Administration / University of
>>> Lodz*
>>> Kopcinskiego 8/12 room 3.61, 90-232 Lodz, Poland
>>> e-mail: LCH at wpia.uni.lodz.pl
>>> website: https://www.cyber.uni.lodz.pl
>>> LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lodz-cyber-hub/
>>> Recent Publications:
>>>    1. Akçalı Gür, B. & Kulesza, J., &  Equitable access to satellite
>>>    broadband services: Challenges and opportunities for developing countries
>>>    <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308596124000284>,
>>>    Telecommunications Policy, 2024,
>>>    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2024.102731.
>>>    2. Kulesza, J., & Burdiak, P., "Countering Disinformation on Social
>>>    Media Platforms: Developments in the EU and Poland
>>>    <https://www.academia.edu/115590584/Countering_Disinformation_on_Social_Media_Platforms_Developments_in_the_EU_and_Poland>,"
>>>    Mediaforum: Analytics, Forecasts, Information Management, 2024.
>>>    3. Kulesza, J., "Human Rights and Social Media: Challenges and
>>>    Opportunities for Human Rights Education
>>>    <https://www.academia.edu/115591506/Human_Rights_and_Social_Media_Challenges_and_Opportunities_for_Human_Rights_Education>,"
>>>    in Polarization, Shifting Borders and Liquid Governance, edited by Anja
>>>    Mihr and Chiara Pierobon, Springer 2023.
>>> [image: Obraz zawierający tekst Opis wygenerowany automatycznie]
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Kind regards,
Joanna Kulesza
Joanna Kulesza, PhD
University of Lodz, Poland
ALAC / EURALO / Capacity Building Working Group Co-Chair
SOI: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Joanna+Kulesza+SOI
TT: @KuleszaJ
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