[ALAC] ccNSO updates

Laura Margolis margolisl at gmail.com
Thu Dec 28 01:49:02 UTC 2023

Dear All:

The ccNSO meeting #201 was held on December 21st. at 21:00 UTC.

You can find the AGENDA here
but I would like to highlight some topics:

*Update on ccPDP4-IDN*

The fourth Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) Policy
Development Process Working Group (ccPDP4-IDN) sought *community input*
its initial policy proposals and is now analyzing the comments. The group
hopes to complete its evaluation by January 2024. Once the ccNSO Council
recommends adoption of the proposed policy, it will be put to a vote of the
ccNSO membership.

The fourth ccPDP defines the criteria, process, and procedures for the
(de)selection of Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) ccTLDs associated with
the country codes assigned to countries, territories, or other areas of
geopolitical interest listed in the ISO 3166-1 standard. This ccPDP also
responds to the ICANN Board's request to address issues related to variants
of IDN ccTLD strings in coordination with the Generic Names Supporting
Organization (GNSO) and the ICANN Board's question as to whether IDN tables
should be reviewed upon submission. Once adopted by the ICANN Board and
implemented by the ICANN organization, the proposed IDN ccTLD string
selection policy will eventually replace the IDN ccTLD Fast Track process.

*IGLC – Internet Governance Liason Committee*

The IGLC prepared an FAQ
<https://community.icann.org/display/ccnsowkspc/Repository> prior to
ICANN78, in preparation for its session on WSIS+20.  The WSIS+20 FAQ for
ccTLDs is a comprehensive guide to understanding the significance of the
2025 review of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+20) for
ccTLDs.  During ICANN78, the IGLC held a working session where ccTLD
community members and ICANN’s Government and Intergovernmental Organization
Engagement (GE) team explored what the hot issues in Internet governance
are on a regional basis.  The IGLC compared the input with previous trends

*WSIS+20: Frequently Asked Questions*

Are you curious about the future of the internet and how it affects country
code top-level domains? Look no further! Welcome to the WSIS+20 FAQ for
ccTLDs, your comprehensive guide to understanding the significance of the
2025 review of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+20) for

In this FAQ developed by the ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee,
we delve into the key questions surrounding the evolving landscape of
Internet Governance and the critical role that ccTLDs play in shaping the
digital world, ensuring that you are well-equipped to participate in the
global dialogue.

   - What is WSIS+20 and when will it take place?
   - Why is  WSIS+20 important to ccTLDs and what role do they play in the
   - How can ccTLDs participate or engage in the WSIS+20 discussions,
   follow-up and implementation processes?
   - Does WSIS+20 introduce any new opportunities or challenges for ccTLD
   - What is the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society?
   - What is the Global Digital Compact (GDC) and will it affect the
   WSIS+20 consultations?
   - How will WSIS+20 affect IGF?
   - Will WSIS+20 affect the Multistakeholder Model of Internet Governance?
   - Are there any resources or guidance available to ccTLDs to better
   understand WSIS+20 and its implications?

*Update on ccNSO working groups and committees*


*December Newsletter*


At the ccNSO Liason Wiki Space
can find linked documents to the Agenda, Notes, Working Groups and last
newsletters too.

Please, let me know any questions or comments.

Thank you and Happy Holidays to everyone.

*Laura Margolis*
ALAC Liason to ccNSO

*Email:* margolisl at gmail.com
*Office*: ++598 27066044
*Mobile / Whatsapp*:  ++598 99690992
*skype:* lauri.margolis

ccNSO Liason Workspace
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