[ALAC] Fwd: ICANN News Alert -- IANA Naming Function Review: Recommendation for an IANA Naming Function Contract Amendment

Maureen Hilyard maureen.hilyard at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 18:46:20 UTC 2021

[image: ICANN Announcement Alerts]

*IANA Naming Function Review: Recommendation for an IANA Naming Function
Contract Amendment <https://newsalerts.icann.org/MN0E0208Cx02d00hP0gR0k2>*

11 February 2021

*Open Date:* 10 February 2021 *Close Date:* 22 March 2021
*Originating Organization:* ICANN organization, Office of the Chief
Technology Officer (OCTO)
*Categories/Tags:* Reviews/Improvements
*Brief Overview:*

*Purpose:* This Public Comment proceeding has been opened on behalf of the
ICANN organization (ICANN org) to prepare the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority (IANA) Naming Function Review (IFR) Final Report for ICANN Board
consideration. The IFR is an evaluation of Public Technical Identifiers
(PTI) performance of the IANA naming function against the contractual
requirements in the IANA Naming Function Contract
<https://newsalerts.icann.org/m000Ni20002d2Pg8Rxl0CE0> and the IANA Naming
Function SOW <https://newsalerts.icann.org/r00m0E2x0RjP8NC2g0020d0>. The
IFR Review Team's Recommendation 4 (page 5 of the IFR Final Report
<https://newsalerts.icann.org/r00n0E2x0RkP8NC2g0020d0> [PDF, 2.2MB] calls
for an amendment to Article 7, Section 7.1 (a) of the IANA Naming Function

Pursuant to ICANN Bylaws Article 18.6 (iv)
<https://newsalerts.icann.org/V8Rl000dx20E200CP02goN0>, there must be "*public
comment on the amendments that are under consideration by the IFRT through
a public comment period that complies with the designated practice for
public comment periods within ICANN."*

*Current Status:* Recommendation 4 of the IFR Final Report
<https://newsalerts.icann.org/r00n0E2x0RkP8NC2g0020d0> [PDF, 2.2MB]
outlines an amendment to the IANA Naming Function Contract. The IFR Review
Team (IFRT) is seeking community input.

*Next Steps:* Pursuant to ICANN Bylaws Section 18.6 (b)(i), IFR
Recommendations requiring a contract amendment must be approved by a
supermajority vote of the ccNSO and GNSO Councils. Within 45 days of the
conclusion of this Public Comment, or the ccNSO and GNSO Councils'
approvals, whichever occurs later, the ICANN Board shall take action on the
Final Recommendations. Pursuant to ICANN Bylaws Section 18.6 (d), for IFR
Recommendations that are approved by the Board, the Secretary shall provide
a Board Notice to the Empowered Community (EC) Administration and the
Decisional Participants. The EC Administration shall promptly commence and
comply with the procedures and requirements specified in Article 2
<https://newsalerts.icann.org/K0020CR00Pxp2md8g02N0E0> of Annex D.

*About ICANN*

ICANN’s mission is to help ensure a stable, secure, and unified global
Internet. To reach another person on the Internet, you need to type an
address – a name or a number – into your computer or other device. That
address must be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN
helps coordinate and support these unique identifiers across the world.
ICANN was formed in 1998 as a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation
with a community of participants from all over the world.

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