[ALAC] Fwd: [ICANN Community Leaders] 26 November 2020

Maureen Hilyard maureen.hilyard at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 16:22:12 UTC 2020

Thursday, 26 November 2020
ICANN Community Leadership Digest
The ICANN org Policy Development Support function publishes this
twice-weekly digest
to help ICANN community leaders track requests and follow updates.
Table of Contents
Information Sharing

   - CLOSES MONDAY: Teleconference for Community Leaders about the FY22
   SO/AC Additional Budget Request Process
   - CLOSES MONDAY: Call for Expressions of Interest: Chair of the
   Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) Work Track
   - CLOSES MONDAY: Call to Register for the 2020 Chairing Skills Program
   - NEXT WEEK: Information Transparency Initiative Update: New Content
   Available on Preview for Your Feedback
   - NEW: Improving Our Public Meetings: Timelines and Milestones
   - REMINDER: Call for SOs/ACs to Nominate Fellowship Program Mentors and
   Selection Committee Members
   - REMINDER: Call for Expressions of Interest: Community Representatives
   Group to Select Independent Review Process (IRP) Standing Panel
   - REMINDER: Call for Volunteers: Intergovernmental Organization (IGO)
   Work Track
   - REMINDER: FY22 Additional Budget Requests Due 29 January 2021

Public Comment

   - CLOSES MONDAY: DRAFT PTI and IANA FY22 Operating Plan and Budgets
   - CLOSES MONDAY: Preliminary Issue Report on a Policy Development
   Process to Review the Transfer Policy
   - CLOSES WEDNESDAY: IANA Naming Function Review (IFR) Initial Report
   - Recommendations for ICANN’s Root Name Service Strategy and

Information Sharing
CLOSES MONDAY: Teleconference for Community Leaders about the FY22 SO/AC
Additional Budget Request Process

As you may recall, the FY22 SO-AC Additional Budget Request (ABR) process
opened on Monday, 9 November 2020. Please consult the wiki page
to learn more about the process and to review the timeline and templates.

We would like to offer a teleconference to review the principles of the ABR
process and answer any questions that you or other colleagues from your
community group may have. By Monday, 30 November 2020, please participate
in this Doodle poll
a teleconference during the week of 7 December 2020. We will announce the
date and time and participation details next week. We look forward to
working with you and answering your questions.

We look forward to working with you and answering your questions.
CLOSES MONDAY: Call for Expressions of Interest: Chair of the
Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) Work Track
From: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support

The Generic Named Supporting Organization (GNSO) is seeking expressions of
interest to chair the Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) Work Track, a
subteam within an ongoing Policy Development Process (PDP) that will review
all trademark-related rights protection mechanisms at the second level of
the domain name system.

The deadline to submit Expressions of Interest is Monday, 30 November 2020,
at 23:59 UTC.

more about the work track and how to apply.
CLOSES MONDAY: Call to Register for the 2020 Chairing Skills Program Webinar

>From 9-30 November 2020, ICANN has issued a call for registration for the
2020 Chairing Skills Program Webinar, scheduled for Monday, 7 December 2020
from 15:00-16:30 UTC. This invitation is open only to current and new ICANN
community chairs.

The Chairing Skills Program addresses the chairing skills challenges that
ICANN community chairs can face when taking up the responsibility of
leading a working group or stakeholder group. The target audience for the
webinar is new/current ICANN community chairs that want to develop their
chairing skills.

Interested individuals should register here
Monday, 30 November 2020 at 23:59 UTC.
NEXT WEEK: Information Transparency Initiative Update: New Content
Available for Your Feedback
From: Sally Newell Cohen, Senior Vice President, Global Communications

In September 2020, the ICANN org Information Transparency Initiative (ITI)
team announced that it added new content and improved previously released
content to https://preview.icann.org
. The team also announced
it would hold two webinars on Tuesday, 1 December 2020 to demonstrate
the changes it implemented to improve the search experience.

Please register for one of these sessions via the links below:

ITI Webinar 1 | Tuesday, 1 December 2020, 15:00 UTC

ITI Webinar 2 | Tuesday, 1 December 2020, 22:00 UTC

During the webinars, the ITI team will demonstrate the enhancements to
Correspondence, Board Materials, and Acronyms and Terms, and answer any

   - Correspondence - New findability improvements include keyword(s)
   search allowing you to narrow your search within Correspondence files, an
   advanced year selector, a helpful sub-navigation menu, and an improved
   table layout to enhance accessibility and readability.
   - Board Meeting Materials - The team has made upgrades to this content
   type since its May 2020 release. The keyword(s) search has been implemented
   and improved, and most Board Meeting files and pages from 1998-2019 are now
   available via filtered or keyword search.
   - Acronyms and Terms - Improvements to the existing release include
   alignment with the new user experience, additional terms added in all six
   U.N. languages, and a new sub-navigation menu.

Before the webinar, visit the current content on https://icann.org
 and then experiment with the improved search available via

During the webinar, let the ITI team know what you think. Are the search
filters useful? Are there enhancements you would like to add? What do you
not like?

Learn more
NEW: Improving Our Public Meetings: Timelines and Milestones
From: Sally Costerton, Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder
Engagement; and David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development

In an October 2020 blog
 post, ICANN President and CEO Göran Marby outlined the steps that the
and ICANN org are taking, at the community’s request, to help facilitate a
dialogue on improving our support for ICANN Public Meetings.

We will assess the effectiveness of ICANN Public Meetings, determine which
meeting improvements are needed to support the work of the community, and
outline features that should be integrated into our return to in-person
meetings going forward. The goal is to deliver the recommendations to the
Board for their consideration, and implement the approved recommendations

Learn more

REMINDER: Call for SOs/ACs to Nominate Fellowship Program Mentors and
Selection Committee Members
From: Sally Costerton, Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder Engagement

ICANN has announced
call for nominees to volunteer to serve as mentors to the Fellowship
Program and as members to its Selection Committee. There will be a total of
seven mentors and seven Selection Committee members, and each group is
welcome to nominate one individual for each role.

Interested Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees should select
their respective Fellowship Program mentor and Selection Committee
representative by Sunday, 31 January 2021 and notify
fellowshipconsultation at icann.org. Individual self-nominations will not be

Criteria for mentors and Selection Committee members can be found here
REMINDER: Call for Expressions of Interest: Community Representatives Group
to Select Independent Review Process (IRP) Standing Panel
From: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support

In accordance with the ICANN Bylaws and Terms of Reference agreed to by
ICANN's Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees (SO and ACs), a
Community Representatives Group is being formed that will work with ICANN
org to select a slate of nominees for a Standing Panel to hear disputes
filed under ICANN's Independent Review Process (IRP). All applications to
join the Community Representatives Group will be reviewed by the specific
SO or AC whose endorsement is being sought. The closing date is Friday, 4
December 2020.

Please review the announcement
Terms of Reference for further details about the role of the Community
Representatives Group and the skills sought for membership.

The Bylaws require ICANN org to work with all SO and ACs to ensure that a
Standing Panel is constituted for the IRP, an important accountability
mechanism under the Bylaws. The requirements and process is documented via
the wiki space: https://community.icann.org/display/ESPFIRP
REMINDER: Call for Volunteers: Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) Work
From: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support

The GNSO Council is requesting that interested Supporting Organizations
(SOs), Advisory Committees (ACs), and GNSO Stakeholder Groups and
Constituencies consider appointing members to the Intergovernmental
Organization (IGO) Work Track, a group to be formed within an ongoing
Policy Development Process (PDP) reviewing all rights protection mechanisms
in all gTLDs at the second level of the domain name system.

The composition of the IGO Work Track is as follows:

   - The Registries Stakeholder Group: up to 2 members
   - The Registrars Stakeholder Group: up to 2 members
   - The Commercial Stakeholder Group: up to 3 members
   - The Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group: up to 3 members
   - Each AC, other SOs and IGOs: up to 2 members per group

Please confirm your appointed members and alternates at the latest by
Monday, 7 December 2020 by notifying the GNSO Secretariat at
gnso-secs at icann.org.

Learn more about the work track and how to apply.
REMINDER: FY22 Additional Budget Requests Due 29 January 2021

ICANN org has launched the FY22 Additional Budget Request process. This
process pertains to a dedicated part of the overall ICANN annual budget
that is set aside to fund specific requests from the community for
activities that are not already included in the recurring ICANN budget.

Submissions are due on Friday, 29 January 2021 at 23:59 UTC to
planning at icann.org.

Learn more
Public Comment
CLOSES MONDAY: DRAFT PTI and IANA FY22 Operating Plan and Budgets
Close Date: Monday, 30 November 2020

CLOSES MONDAY: Preliminary Issue Report on a Policy Development Process to
Review the Transfer Policy
Close Date: Monday, 30 November 2020

CLOSES WEDNESDAY: IANA Naming Function Review (IFR) Initial Report
Close Date: Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Recommendations for ICANN’s Root Name Service Strategy and Implementation
Close Date: Tuesday, 8 December 2020
Volume 2, Issue 90 | Archive
| Next Issue: Monday, 30 November 2020
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