[ALAC] Fwd: [ICANN Community Leaders] 30 April 2020

Maureen Hilyard maureen.hilyard at gmail.com
Fri May 1 17:15:59 UTC 2020

But why does it need a new working group when we should be incorporating
PICs into our comments from the CPWG along with the end-user perspective?
Im not in favour of fragmenting our community back into separate working
groups especially when it concerns such an important issue. We should not
treat it as separate when PICs should permeate all the messages we convey
to the rest of ICANN to emphasise its importance to our community.

As has been said in earlier messages, in our community responses, we are
starting to reflect responses that offer more focus on the end-user
perspective and what is important to us. Our public comments usually
dutifully respond to what is expected. I suggest that whenever possible we
inject the unexpected and really include what is important to the At-Large
community. PICs are right up there.

I feel an ICANN68 session evolving here for something radical. 😉


On Thu, 30 Apr 2020, 11:13 pm Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond, <ocl at gih.com>

> The At-Large Working Group on the Public Interest is currently
> archived/mothballed pending a new volunteer Chair who could bring life into
> it.
> https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Public+Interest+Working+Group
> One of its resources which fed into the ICANN Public Interest Framework,
> is the "Exploring the Public Interest within ICANN's Remit" process led by
> ICANN staff -
> https://community.icann.org/display/prjxplrpublicint/Exploring+the+Public+Interest+within+ICANN%27s+Remit+Home
> Last update - Sept 2019.
> Kindest regards,
> Olivier
> On 01/05/2020 10:11, Satish Babu via ALAC wrote:
> Thanks Justine.
> I fully support CPWG/ALAC paying more attention to the Global Public
> Interest within ICANN. I note that ALAC did have a WG on the Global Public
> Interest, but it has been dormant for some time now.
> In my opinion, this is an important issue for At-Large, not just for the
> short-term (considering the ongoing PIR controversy), but also for the long
> haul.
> With kind regards,
> satish
> On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 1:31 PM Justine Chew <justine.chew.icann at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Perhaps it's time we paid more attention to and/or get more involved in
>> the following activity? Although I don't know to what extent any influence
>> is still possible.
>> NEW: Revisions to ICANN Board’s Proposed Global Public Interest (GPI)
>> Framework
>> From: Sally Costerton, Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder
>> Engagement
>> The ICANN Board’s proposed Global Public Interest (GPI) framework has
>> been revised to reflect feedback received during the community consultation
>> process. The ICANN Board initially identified GPI as one of its 2019
>> operational priorities and carried it over to 2020. In September 2019, the
>> Board published a discussion paper on a proposed GPI framework, which
>> marked the beginning of a longer process to develop a framework as a
>> toolkit for the ICANN community to consider the global public interest. A
>> community consultation was held from September to November 2019 to gather
>> feedback from the community, and the framework was revised accordingly.
>> At this moment, considering all input received, the Board will start
>> piloting the framework and toolkit to apply to upcoming Board decisions.
>> Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees that would like to explore
>> the framework are encouraged to try it and document and share their
>> experience – all on an entirely voluntary basis.
>> Throughout the pilot year, the Board’s conversation with the community
>> will be ongoing, and this workspace
>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mvaCRdORExaKNFnUFbuH-E9Pu_K8h2j13qOW83-HP3B-EXKC3foDAq0dJWQpM2fKMbIF5hgSDg9kDz9WdrTpzn18lC5uPq37AgcGQ-lST3jrmaHu-_F21XN_Lqzptd6KZYISNF0BxJJ11JNRxSAKTVSzHw2LmWlgJ2Ev9hjQINrBTRY5iLeeOOTETYDmz1cl&c=kaU1df6Oh4kVuEA0QdBud2McaJv4KvLp_Mru71yGfsQvKaMPWB74KQ==&ch=qyVSOP0nabkAV_82x3C0oJP2c3UVwcEymSuGpGxhH1btWjHUsXST7w==> will
>> be regularly updated and will feature space for comments and suggestions
>> about the Board's and community's experiences and feedback.
>> Justine
>> ------
>> On Thu, 30 Apr 2020 at 23:23, Maureen Hilyard <maureen.hilyard at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Thursday, 30 April 2020
>>> ICANN Community Leadership Digest
>>> The ICANN org Policy Development Support function publishes this
>>> twice-weekly digest
>>> to help ICANN community leaders track requests and follow updates.
>>> Table of Contents
>>> Information Sharing
>>>    - NEW: ICANN Community Priorities and the COVID-19 Pandemic
>>>    - NEW: Revisions to ICANN Board’s Proposed Global Public Interest
>>>    (GPI) Framework
>>>    - NEW: Get to Know the GNSO Course on ICANN Learn
>>>    - REMINDER: Call for Expressions of Interest: Standing Panel for
>>>    ICANN’s Independent Review Process
>>> ICANN68 Planning
>>>    - REMINDER: ICANN68 Publication Support
>>> Public Comment
>>>    - CLOSES MONDAY: Phase 1 Initial Report of the Review of All Rights
>>>    Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs Policy Development Process
>>>    - CLOSES TUESDAY: Addendum to the Initial Report of the Expedited
>>>    Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD
>>>    Registration Data Team – Phase 2
>>>    - Guidelines for Developing Reference Label Generation Rules (LGRs)
>>>    for the Second Level Version 2
>>>    - ICANN Africa Regional Plan for Fiscal Years 2021-2025
>>>    - Draft PTI FY21-24 Strategic Plan
>>> Information Sharing
>>> NEW: ICANN Community Priorities and the COVID-19 Pandemic
>>> From: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support
>>> Earlier this year, Supporting Organization (SO) and Advisory Committee
>>> (AC) leaders met to outline their priorities for 2020. This exercise
>>> provided a starting point for current discussions about prioritizing ICANN
>>> community work in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. ICANN org will continue
>>> to work closely and proactively with SO and AC leaders, ensuring that its
>>> support for ongoing community projects meets expectations and adapts to the
>>> pressures of the global public health crisis. Read more
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mvaCRdORExaKNFnUFbuH-E9Pu_K8h2j13qOW83-HP3B-EXKC3foDAq0dJWQpM2fKaBOxdMVbyErGddcU-I64bwwazdjnZVnr4wicNnkLgSxJOPOdH0-66Xo8LVwdCSzoHAXlpB9S0_2PWc24Q5yxSLh585xpeLW1dUlZ-PFNQ3NZ88ZHH2S0MeP0iHf8JZPH6_0YuGjT1sY-YQIec6GhZEwGAtINEcWBG56sgOD17Ak=&c=kaU1df6Oh4kVuEA0QdBud2McaJv4KvLp_Mru71yGfsQvKaMPWB74KQ==&ch=qyVSOP0nabkAV_82x3C0oJP2c3UVwcEymSuGpGxhH1btWjHUsXST7w==>.
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mvaCRdORExaKNFnUFbuH-E9Pu_K8h2j13qOW83-HP3B-EXKC3foDAq0dJWQpM2fKaBOxdMVbyErGddcU-I64bwwazdjnZVnr4wicNnkLgSxJOPOdH0-66Xo8LVwdCSzoHAXlpB9S0_2PWc24Q5yxSLh585xpeLW1dUlZ-PFNQ3NZ88ZHH2S0MeP0iHf8JZPH6_0YuGjT1sY-YQIec6GhZEwGAtINEcWBG56sgOD17Ak=&c=kaU1df6Oh4kVuEA0QdBud2McaJv4KvLp_Mru71yGfsQvKaMPWB74KQ==&ch=qyVSOP0nabkAV_82x3C0oJP2c3UVwcEymSuGpGxhH1btWjHUsXST7w==>
>>> NEW: Revisions to ICANN Board’s Proposed Global Public Interest (GPI)
>>> Framework
>>> From: Sally Costerton, Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder
>>> Engagement
>>> The ICANN Board’s proposed Global Public Interest (GPI) framework has
>>> been revised to reflect feedback received during the community consultation
>>> process. The ICANN Board initially identified GPI as one of its 2019
>>> operational priorities and carried it over to 2020. In September 2019, the
>>> Board published a discussion paper on a proposed GPI framework, which
>>> marked the beginning of a longer process to develop a framework as a
>>> toolkit for the ICANN community to consider the global public interest. A
>>> community consultation was held from September to November 2019 to gather
>>> feedback from the community, and the framework was revised accordingly.
>>> At this moment, considering all input received, the Board will start
>>> piloting the framework and toolkit to apply to upcoming Board decisions.
>>> Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees that would like to explore
>>> the framework are encouraged to try it and document and share their
>>> experience – all on an entirely voluntary basis.
>>> Throughout the pilot year, the Board’s conversation with the community
>>> will be ongoing, and this workspace
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mvaCRdORExaKNFnUFbuH-E9Pu_K8h2j13qOW83-HP3B-EXKC3foDAq0dJWQpM2fKMbIF5hgSDg9kDz9WdrTpzn18lC5uPq37AgcGQ-lST3jrmaHu-_F21XN_Lqzptd6KZYISNF0BxJJ11JNRxSAKTVSzHw2LmWlgJ2Ev9hjQINrBTRY5iLeeOOTETYDmz1cl&c=kaU1df6Oh4kVuEA0QdBud2McaJv4KvLp_Mru71yGfsQvKaMPWB74KQ==&ch=qyVSOP0nabkAV_82x3C0oJP2c3UVwcEymSuGpGxhH1btWjHUsXST7w==> will
>>> be regularly updated and will feature space for comments and suggestions
>>> about the Board's and community's experiences and feedback.
>>> NEW: Get to Know the GNSO Course on ICANN Learn
>>> From: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support
>>> An updated and revised Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO)
>>> course is now available on ICANN Learn, ICANN's free and open online
>>> learning platform. Get to Know the GNSO takes learners through an overview
>>> of the different components of the GNSO, drawing on interviews with
>>> community members and integrating knowledge checks throughout the course. Sign
>>> up for ICANN Learn
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mvaCRdORExaKNFnUFbuH-E9Pu_K8h2j13qOW83-HP3B-EXKC3foDAhNC30XXAZ3sCQ5RLKVoXjJ8YjRGjkb0YSunFQOmuRmV061PAkqX0FEIAn2QeBeWxaCMpF-KqUMME64NKbOczfZkPHFFrEZ6WQ==&c=kaU1df6Oh4kVuEA0QdBud2McaJv4KvLp_Mru71yGfsQvKaMPWB74KQ==&ch=qyVSOP0nabkAV_82x3C0oJP2c3UVwcEymSuGpGxhH1btWjHUsXST7w==>
>>> today.
>>> REMINDER: Call for Expressions of Interest: Standing Panel for ICANN’s
>>> Independent Review Process
>>> Announcement
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mvaCRdORExaKNFnUFbuH-E9Pu_K8h2j13qOW83-HP3B-EXKC3foDAkFJ_jlgS5Sn8AQmmaYyEPYYO_fTerBevST5i9OBCH_23E4RaH9Wvdtlvwb4799OyGY-svXZgZIqKVPd6ArD2iqOuaZ8skGvAL8uykaC89ayhJYFTGs-UcB9YCuUKqJ-HeluY54wC9yB&c=kaU1df6Oh4kVuEA0QdBud2McaJv4KvLp_Mru71yGfsQvKaMPWB74KQ==&ch=qyVSOP0nabkAV_82x3C0oJP2c3UVwcEymSuGpGxhH1btWjHUsXST7w==>
>>> On 31 March 2020, ICANN opened a call for Expressions of Interest for
>>> panelists to serve on the omnibus Standing Panel for ICANN's Independent
>>> Review Process (IRP).
>>> Candidates for the IRP omnibus Standing Panel should review the Expressions
>>> of Interest document
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mvaCRdORExaKNFnUFbuH-E9Pu_K8h2j13qOW83-HP3B-EXKC3foDAkFJ_jlgS5SnXFXYg9rUq3HN1Ji4jji9u6Sf37lMVFJrDI-Mj6oIwkX4k3S2sE-bDaMeSFQDC3O9H52p6dqMAq9gtwJPkeqAXtKMvqezJOyYlwpYmjJD1qGEj9LsMA4UZZ8-ZIlJbo04W90LyMkVnS5mwUnwKOISEorVxPRAUPUY&c=kaU1df6Oh4kVuEA0QdBud2McaJv4KvLp_Mru71yGfsQvKaMPWB74KQ==&ch=qyVSOP0nabkAV_82x3C0oJP2c3UVwcEymSuGpGxhH1btWjHUsXST7w==>
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mvaCRdORExaKNFnUFbuH-E9Pu_K8h2j13qOW83-HP3B-EXKC3foDAkFJ_jlgS5SnXFXYg9rUq3HN1Ji4jji9u6Sf37lMVFJrDI-Mj6oIwkX4k3S2sE-bDaMeSFQDC3O9H52p6dqMAq9gtwJPkeqAXtKMvqezJOyYlwpYmjJD1qGEj9LsMA4UZZ8-ZIlJbo04W90LyMkVnS5mwUnwKOISEorVxPRAUPUY&c=kaU1df6Oh4kVuEA0QdBud2McaJv4KvLp_Mru71yGfsQvKaMPWB74KQ==&ch=qyVSOP0nabkAV_82x3C0oJP2c3UVwcEymSuGpGxhH1btWjHUsXST7w==>before
>>> submission. The document includes the following information:
>>>    - Panel Position Description
>>>    - Required or Highly Preferred Skills
>>>    - Required or Highly Preferred Experience
>>>    - Time Commitment
>>>    - Compensation and Selection
>>> Expressions of Interest should be submitted to
>>> irp-standingpanel-eoi2020 at icann.org
>>> <IRP-Standingpanel-EOI2020 at icann.org> by 23:59 UTC on Friday, 31 July
>>> 2020.
>>> <table style="min-width:100%"
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