[ALAC] [Ext] Re: ALAC Response to 'Compliance Models'

Evin Erdogdu evin.erdogdu at icann.org
Fri Jan 26 17:36:12 UTC 2018

Understood: will set up vote at a later date.


> On Jan 26, 2018, at 9:26 AM, Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca> wrote:
> We routinely vote after the fact for regular length comment periods. We can certainly do that in this case.
> Alan
> At 26/01/2018 06:17 AM, Holly Raiche wrote:
>> Folks
>> Evan has reminded me (and Alan) that we need to vote on a final response to the Compliance Models.  My final  entry is my suggested draft for consideration by all.  I listened to the webinar Steve Bianco organised (and Goran Marby participated in) and have adjusted what was said.
>> So if people are happy - Evin, could you put the text either in the first or final draft so that there is something to vote on
>> Thanks
>> Holly

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