[ALAC] RDS Review

León Felipe Sánchez Ambía leonfelipe at sanchez.mx
Mon Jan 9 22:15:33 UTC 2017

Dear Holly,

thanks for this recommendation. If that is the way you suggest we go, based on your experience, I support your suggestion.

On following Rinalia’s steps, I am more than glad to do so. Your suggestion actually comes in at the perfect time as we are beginning to plan our schedule for Copenhagen. If you allow me, I will touch base with Gisella and Alan to find a 2 hour spot devoted to in detail explanation of policy issues and then coordinate with you and the rest of the ALAC to find the topics and possible speakers to each  of them.

I am glad to join the work of the Whois WG and help you in that task.

Best regards,


> El 09/01/2017, a las 15:43, Holly Raiche <h.raiche at internode.on.net> escribió:
> Thanks Leon
> My recommendation for a VERY limited review is really more from desperation. And, since this is a really important issue for users. maybe we should revive something Rinalia started but I did for a couple of ICANN meetings - devote a couple of hours of ALAC time to explain policy issues in detail.  (and those discussions have included discussion of Whois).  So - in planning for Copenhagen, I would like to strongly suggest we make time for two things:  a workshop on the Review, and time for ALAC to work through its thoughts on current policy issues.  I am more than aware of the Hot Topic sessions - and to an extent they replace our policy sessions.  But I am talking about specific sessions just to discuss what an ALAC policy position should be. (using Garth’s suggestion for an ALAC consideration of issues)
> And top of my list - Whois - what it is and why there is so much discussion - and groups - on the issue.  I’m sure there are others.  But what this discussion has brought to my mind is that more of us should be at least a bit aware of the current policy issues before ICANN.
> So Leon - you’re next
> Holly
> On 10 Jan 2017, at 8:20 am, León Felipe Sánchez Ambía <leonfelipe at sanchez.mx <mailto:leonfelipe at sanchez.mx>> wrote:
>> Thanks Holly,
>> If that is what you recommend, I am happy to follow. You’re experience in the subject and the discussions around it is extensive so I trust your recommendation is the best way to go.
>> On the other hand, I reiterate my willingness to work on the subject if required :-)
>> Best regards,
>> León
>>> El 09/01/2017, a las 15:16, Holly Raiche <h.raiche at internode.on.net <mailto:h.raiche at internode.on.net>> escribió:
>>> Hi Leon
>>> Careful - you may be pressed into service.  As I have already said, the issues revolve around Whois information (Clause 3.3.1 RAA), what is published and who has access. And what we don’t need is yet another group looking at the same issues.  So - again - PLEASE confine the review terms of reference
>>> Holly
>>> On 10 Jan 2017, at 8:03 am, León Felipe Sánchez Ambía <leonfelipe at sanchez.mx <mailto:leonfelipe at sanchez.mx>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Alan,
>>>> If the case is that the review would be looking at the same issues that the WG would, then I would support reducing the scope as we did with the CCWG in order to avoid duplicative efforts.
>>>> In any case I put my work where my mouth is and should there be the need to join the RDS WG, count me in.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> León
>>>>> El 09/01/2017, a las 00:08, Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca <mailto:alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca>> escribió:
>>>>> To be clear, the issue was never staff support. The reduced scope came from the volunteer community because of the worry that the same people who were working on other RDS-related work (and particularly the GNSO PDP) would be the ones to best serve on this RT.
>>>>> That is largely the same logic used by the CCWG-Accountability for suggesting that the scope of ATRT3 be reduced.
>>>>> I'm not arguing for or against, just wanted to make sure we are all on the same page.
>>>>> Alan
>>>>> At 09/01/2017 12:28 AM, León Felipe Sánchez Ambía wrote:
>>>>>> I agree with Tijani. The widened scope seems justified although it will surely require more staff support. 
>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>> León 
>>>>>> Enviado desde mi iPhone
>>>>>> El ene. 8, 2017, a las 11:02 PM, Tijani BEN JEMAA < tijani.benjemaa at benjemaa.com <mailto:tijani.benjemaa at benjemaa.com>> escribió:
>>>>>>> Alan,
>>>>>>> I understand the issue of bandwidth  but would accept the GNSO proposal because of the merit of the wide scope. In our comment we should note that we support the wide scope assuming that more time and more staff support would be provided to the review team.
>>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Tijani BEN JEMAA
>>>>>>> Executive Director
>>>>>>> Mediterranean Federation of Internet Associations (FMAI)
>>>>>>> Phone: +216 98 330 114
>>>>>>>            +216 52 385 114
>>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> Le 9 janv. 2017 à 05:07, Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca <mailto:alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca> > a écrit :
>>>>>>>> I am attaching a document from the GNSO on the proposed RDS (formerly WHOIS) Review to be started very soon.
>>>>>>>> You will recall that we previously had approved a narrowing of the scope of the RDS Review to focus just on the extent to which the previous WHOIS Review Recommendations had been implemented. This GNSO proposal widens the scope considerably. Although there is no question that the wider scope is interesting and ptentially useful, it will also require far more community involvement that the earlier proposal.
>>>>>>>> The call for volunteers was to close on 13 January and a decision needs to be made quickly on exactly what the Review should be.
>>>>>>>> Comments please, with some urgency.
>>>>>>>> Alan
>>>>>>>>> From: "James M. Bladel" <jbladel at godaddy.com <mailto:jbladel at godaddy.com>>
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: RDS Review
>>>>>>>>> Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2017 17:42:53 +0000
>>>>>>>>> Dear Karen and Community Leaders –
>>>>>>>>> The GNSO Council, working wiith its component Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies, has produced this document (attached), which outlines our feedback and concerns with the proposed “limited scope” for the upcominoming RDS review.  The document was submitted to ICANN Staff, and sharing with this team for your reference.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>> J.
>>>>>>>>> ----------------
>>>>>>>>> James Bladel
>>>>>>>>> GNSO Chair
>>>>>>>> <GNSO Council feedback on RDS.pdf>_______________________________________________
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