[ALAC] At-Large Review Feasibility Study

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Sat Aug 19 16:06:39 UTC 2017

Please find attached the At-Large Review Feasibility Study to be 
submitted to the Board Operational Effectiveness Committee.

This Documents will be a major focus of DISCUSSION and DECISION 
during the ALAC meeting this coming Tuesday.

The decision will be on this document IN PRINCIPLE. The document 
still needs some additional sections (history and timeline) to be 
drafted and an overall cleanup, but will not change in substance.

This document is largely based on the last response to the Draft 
At-Large Review Report approved by the ALAC, and has been subject to 
significant community feedback and input, culminating in a very well 
attended Webinar last week. The input received during that Webinar 
has now been integrated.

Please review this document one final time in preparation for the 
discussion on Tuesday.

I wish to thank all who have contributed to this and give a special 
vote of thanks to Cheryl, Holly and Maureen for their work on the 
final editing.

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