[ALAC] Fwd: [Soac-leaders-icann59] Cross Community Topic Submission Form

León Felipe Sánchez Ambía leonfelipe at sanchez.mx
Wed Apr 5 23:57:59 UTC 2017

Dear all,

in preparation for ICANN 59 please help us submit high interest topics so we can add them to the pool that will be discussed by the planning team.

The deadline to submit topics is April 13 so we would really appreciate receiving your submissions on April 12 at the latest as we still need to fill the corresponding forms.

You will also find a draft block schedule of the meeting so you can begin to have a taste of how our schedule will look like.

Best regards,


> Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
> De: "Tanzanica S. King" <tanzanica.king at icann.org>
> Asunto: [Soac-leaders-icann59] Cross Community Topic Submission Form
> Fecha: 5 de abril de 2017, 10:35:33 GMT-5
> Para: "soac-leaders-icann59 at icann.org" <soac-leaders-icann59 at icann.org>
> Dear Community Leaders:
> As discussed, please find a document attached with links to submit your topic proposals as well as a copy of our latest block schedule.
> Also, I thought it would be helpful to provide this group with the definition of outreach created by the Meeting Strategy Working Group (MSWG).
> Outreach Activities are defined as activities conducted by SO/AC groups or cross-community groups with the intention of increasing awareness and interest in ICANN with individuals and organizations outside of the ICANN community.
> ● These activities are consistent with ICANN’s function and mission. In ICANN’s global multistakeholder model, policy is developed in a bottom-up fashion, a process that is enhanced and strengthened by reaching out to external communities, educating them about ICANN and encouraging them to participate if they wish.
> Outreach takes many forms; Fellowships, NextGen, Newcomer’s Day, Tech Day, DNSSEC Workshops, OCTO Trainings, Regional Engagement, and more.
> Thanks again for your participation on today’s call.
> Best regards,
> Tanzanica
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Tanzanica S. King
> Sr. Manager, Meeting Strategy and Design 
> Office   +1 310 301 5800
> Mobile  +1 310 995 3038
> Email    king at icann.org <mailto:king at icann.org>
> www.icann.org <http://www.icann.org/>_______________________________________________
> Soac-leaders-icann59 mailing list
> Soac-leaders-icann59 at icann.org <mailto:Soac-leaders-icann59 at icann.org>
> https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/soac-leaders-icann59 <https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/soac-leaders-icann59>
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