[ALAC] Fwd: ICANN57 - High Interest Topics - Next Steps

Harold Arcos harold.arcos at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 05:44:35 UTC 2016

My selection would be: 4, 5 necessary, 6, 9 definitely, 13, 14, 15
very agreed with you

kind regards

On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 11:33 PM, Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca>

> See the following message. An extension to Friday has been requested and I
> hope will be honoured. See my following very hastily prepared comments. Let
> me know how they match yours.  Alan
> 1. DNS and Content Regulation
>         1 This session does not seem to allow for significant audience
> participation and I beleive some of the premises are false.
> 2. gTLD Marketplace Health index
>         2 Unclear if the session is on the marketplace or the index and I
> think more prep is needed prior to this being a high interest session.
> 3. How to do outreach within each SO/AC
>         3 Could be of interest if only to demonstrate the differences
> between groups and what outreach means to each.
> 4. ICANN Contribution to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
>         1 Although I personally would find this interesting, I am not
> sure it is really within the ICANN mandate nor would be of general interest.
> 5. ICANN Support for Multistakeholder Initiatives for Advancing Online
> Child Protection
>         3 Although the format is not detailed, this topic is very much in
> line with ALAC concerns about the lack of controls on new gTLDs.
> 6. Internet Governance - Public Session
>         3 I would support this. Fragmantation is an issue that will be of
> increasing interest, particularly if the IANA transition does not go
> through.
> 7. Mitigation of Abuse in gTLDs
>         3 Again, no indication of session format, but presuming an
> opportunity for audience participation I think that this would be of
> interest to us.
> 8. Operational session on KPIs, regarding ICANN's reach, spending, and
> engagement strategies
>         ? I don't have a dgood feeling for this one.
> 9. Public Interest
>         3 Definitely
> 10. The role of the No-Commercial stakeholders within ICANN. A dialogue to
> foster understanding and co-operation within ICANN.
>         1 This description talks about non-commercial stakeholders within
> ICANN, but seems to focus purely within the GNSO. If indeed it was wider
> than that, I would support it.
> 11. Transparency on legal advice given to ICANN [to preserve its
> principles and openness
>         3 I would support this, although I am dubious on the outcomes.
> 12. Underserved Regions in ICANN
>         3 Again no info on session format, but the topic could be of
> interest.
> 13. Universal Consumer Awareness about the largest ever expansion of the
> Internet
>         3 I agreed tat the ALAC would partiicpate in this session, but
> explicitly said we would not likely support a Ry request for ICANN to
> embark on a program to support growth in use of new gTLDs.
> 14. Update on WHOIS-Related Initiatives
>         3 There is so much going on that such an update would be of use.
> 15. What ICANN does not do and why!
>         3 I like the idea!
> From: David Olive <david.olive at icann.org>
> To: Katrina Sataki <katrina at nic.lv>, "thomas.schneider at bakom.admin.ch"
>          <thomas.schneider at bakom.admin.ch>, "paf at netnod.se" <paf at netnod.se>,
> "James M.
>  Bladel" <jbladel at godaddy.com>, "louie at louie.net" <louie at louie.net>,
>          "tsinha at umd.edu" <tsinha at umd.edu>, "bverd at verisign.com" <
> bverd at verisign.com>,
>          "alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca" <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca>,
>          "tonyarholmes at btinternet.com" <tonyarholmes at btinternet.com>,
>          "gregshatanipc at gmail.com" <gregshatanipc at gmail.com>, "
> hilaliaziz at yahoo.fr"
>          <hilaliaziz at yahoo.fr>, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond <ocl at gih.com>,
>          "tapani.tarvainen at effi.org" <tapani.tarvainen at effi.org>,
>          "'mcknight.glenn at gmail.com'" <mcknight.glenn at gmail.com>, Paul
> Diaz
>          <pdiaz at pir.org>, "sb at inapp.com" <sb at inapp.com>, "cwilson at 21cf.com
> "
>          <cwilson at 21cf.com>, Klaus Stoll <klaus.stoll at gkpfoundation.org>,
> Rafik Dammak
>          <rafik.dammak at gmail.com>, "gbunton at tucows.com" <
> gbunton at tucows.com>, "Oscar
>  Robles" <oscar at lacnic.net>, "hcarrascob at gmail.com" <hcarrascob at gmail.com>
> CC: Nick Tomasso <nick.tomasso at icann.org>, "Tanzanica S. King"
>          <tanzanica.king at icann.org>
> Subject: ICANN57 -  High Interest Topics - Next Steps
> Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 21:34:58 +0000
> A message from the Meetings team asking for your inputs.
> Regards David
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Dear SO-AC Leaders:
> A total of 15 potential topics for high-interest session slots have been
> identified by your groups for ICANN57 in Hyderabad. With just seven slots
> available for these, we’d like to invite you to take one more step towards
> finalizing topics for the meeting.Â
> Please see details for the potential topics at
> https://meetings.icann.org/en/hitreviews
> and a corresponding review form at  https://icann.wufoo.com/forms/
> icann57-hit-proposal-review-form/.
> As noted on the form, please use the following high-interest session
> criteria to support your selections:
> - Topic has potential to attract a large audience (200+) and be of
> interest across most, if not all SO/ACs.
> - Proposed format allows for adequate audience participation within a
> 75-90 minute session slot.
> - Topic has clear goals and objectives which are closely aligned with
> ICANN’s mission and core values.
> Your responses will be used to identify seven (7) topics for the main
> meeting room high-interest session slots.
> Please submit your reviews as soon as possible but no later than EOD 18
> September.
> Tanzanica S. King
> Sr. Manager, Meeting Strategy and Design
> Office   +1 310 301 5800
> Mobile  +1 310 995 3038
> Email    king at icann.org
> www.icann.org
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