[ALAC] Fwd: [ccwg-internet-governance] Fwd: NETmundial Initiative council meeting remote participation

Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond ocl at gih.com
Tue Mar 31 16:18:49 UTC 2015

FYI. Our colleague Jean Jacques Subrenat is in the NetMundial Initiative
Also many other colleagues including Wolfgang Kleinwaechter.
Kind regards,


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[ccwg-internet-governance] Fwd: NETmundial Initiative council
meeting remote participation
Date: 	Tue, 31 Mar 2015 08:50:54 -0700
From: 	Marilia Maciel <mariliamaciel at gmail.com>
To: 	ccwg-internet-governance at icann.org
<ccwg-internet-governance at icann.org>, ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org
<ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>, NCSG List <ncsg-discuss at listserv.syr.edu>

Dear all,

Sorry for any duplication of this message.

The Coordinating Council of the NETmundial Initiative is gathered today
in San Francisco. One of the main issues in our agenda today is the
discussion of the draft Terms of Reference of the Initiative. This draft
was developed based on public consultations and on the inputs received. 

The meeting starts in a few minutes and will take place from 9:00 to
19:00 San Francisco time (starting time is 16:00 UTC). 

You can follow all the discussions today remotely (info below). It would
be great to count on your presence virtually with us. 

Best wishes!

Informação para participação remota:
Adobe Connect: https://meet12965.adobeconnect.com/netmundial

Telefone: https://www.myrcplus.com/cnums.asp?bwebid=8369444&ppc=7754874893&num=1-719-867-1571
Código do participante: 415-067-4424 Abraços

*Marília Maciel*
Pesquisadora Gestora -Â Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade -Â FGV Direito Rio
Researcher and Coordinator -Â Center for Technology & Society -Â FGV Law

DiploFoundation associate -Â www.diplomacy.edu <http://www.diplomacy.edu>
PoliTICs Magazine Advisory Committee -Â http://www.politics.org.br/
Subscribe "Digital Rights: Latin America & the
Caribbean" - http://www.digitalrightslac.net/en 

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