[ALAC] Upcoming brainstorm sessions - At-Large Website Revamp

Ariel Liang ariel.liang at icann.org
Tue Jul 28 15:52:04 UTC 2015

Hello Darlene, 

Thank you very much for the encouragement and your input!

As mentioned in the message, we will soon start to design and build the
regional pages, and those pages may be good to place the important
organizing documents and bylaws. We have taken note on what you suggested.
If you have further input, please feel free to share with us.

Best Regards,

From:  Darlene Thompson <thompson.darlene at gmail.com>
Date:  Monday, July 27, 2015 at 10:34 AM
To:  Ariel Liang <ariel.liang at icann.org>
Cc:  "alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org" <alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org>,
"secretariat at atlarge-lists.icann.org" <secretariat at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
Subject:  Re: [ALAC] Upcoming brainstorm sessions - At-Large Website Revamp

Hi all, 

I know that I have absolutely not been as involved as I should be.  Firstly,
let me just say that you guys have done a WONDERFUL job of the new website.
I love all of the links for newcomers and that is SO important.

However (isn't there always a however?  LOL)  what I, personally, see as
missing is a decent link to each areas important documents.  When I was
secretariat for NA, I ALWAYS had to root and search for our bylaws and such.
I see that this is still not addressed in the new website.  I am VERY
excited that this website has been made so much more usable for newcomers
(which is what we want) but I do really think that you need to have some
kind of link directing people to each region's operating procedures and
such.  Those are bloody difficult to find unless you have experience with
ICANN's various web sites.

That's just my two cents worth.  KEEP ON doing it peeps!


On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 4:19 PM, Ariel Liang <ariel.liang at icann.org> wrote:
> Dear RALO Leaders and ALAC Members,
> I hope you had some time to relax in the past few weeks and have recuperated
> from ICANN 53. 
> During the At-Large website revamp presentation during ICANN 53, we provided
> an update on the new website under construction (URL:
> https://new-atlarge.herokuapp.com/). We greatly appreciated your useful
> comments during this session.
> As we presented, we have been focusing on developing the ALAC policy sections
> and integrating ICANN public comment with the At-Large website. Moreover, we
> also started developing the sections about At-Large regional activities ahead
> of schedule, including the ALS/RALO map on the Homepage. To help you refresh
> your memory about the presentation, you may find its recording here:
> https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p5pnb139wy4 (0:27:00 ­ 1:26:38).
> Our goal is to launch the Beta site during ICANN 54 in Dublin and the meeting
> is less than 3 months away. To meet this goal, we will need your input and
> expertise, as our next focus area is the At-Large regional activity sections.
> Some of the upcoming work includes:
> * RALO pages for each RALO
> * An ALS / independent member page for users to research independent members,
> ALSes and their representatives' contacts, to submit ALS Application, etc.
> * A potential blog for RALO leaders and ALAC members to write about activities
> in their regions
> We need your views on the RALO and ALS / independent member pages as they will
> represent your region and your members. After gathering your feedback, we will
> be able to create the new pages that effectively promote the activities in the
> At-Largecommunity worldwide and your region while facilitating your work in
> At-Large. 
> Very soon, we will be conducting informal brainstorm sessions/calls with the
> RALO leaders and ALAC members of each region and ask a list of specific
> questions. We hope all of you will be able to participate. Details of these
> calls will be sent shortly.
> In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more about the At-Large
> website revamp, please visit its wiki workspace here:
> https://community.icann.org/x/tMPhAg. Don¹t hesitate to contact me if you have
> further questions.
> Thank you,
> Ariel 
> Ariel Xinyue Liang
> Policy Analyst | Washington, DC
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
> Skype: ariel.liang.icann
> Mobile: +1 (310) 804-2761 <tel:%2B1%20%28310%29%20804-2761>
> Email: ariel.liang at icann.org
> Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge <https://twitter.com/ICANNAtLarge>
> Facebook: www.facebook.com/icannatlarge
> <https://www.facebook.com/icannatlarge>
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> ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
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> ALAC Working Wiki:
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