[ALAC] Statement regarding the CCWG submission to NETmundial

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Wed Apr 30 03:27:16 UTC 2014

I have re-read the statement submitted to NETmundial. I believe that 
the ALAC can easily say that it supports the process by which this 
statement was developed as well as the full contents.

However, as events unfolded, with the exception of the concept of 
multistakeholderism, the issues on which the CCWG statement raised 
were not the issues that NETmundial focused on, nor were they central 
to the NETmundial outcomes document. In consideration of that and the 
lack of any other public comments submitted, I believe that there is 
no need for the ALAC to submit a statement.

Should the ALAC nonetheless feel that a submission is necessary, I suggest:

>The ALAC would like to go on record as supporting the process that 
>the CCWG followed in drafting this statement, and supports the CCWG 
>statement submitted to NETmundial.

See https://community.icann.org/x/lzbRAg


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