[ALAC] Proposed addition to the ALAC Rules of Procedure

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Thu Nov 21 16:31:22 UTC 2013

As decided during the Wrap-up ALAC session in Buenos Aires, I am 
proposing that the ALAC adopt following motion and I ask for other 
ALAC members to make such a motion and to second it.



Whereas the ALAC approved revised Rules of Procedure on 03 April 2013 
which came into effect on 03 October 2013;

Whereas the selection of the At-Large Board member occupying Seat 15 
of the ICANN Board is in the process of being initiated;

Whereas the selection procedures were written with the intent of 
having four voters per ICANN region;

Whereas two Rules of Procedure omissions have been identified which 
could reduce the number of voters per region;

Whereas section 10.1.3 of the Rules of Procedure allow the ALAC to 
approve additional rules to two address these omissions;

It is resolved that the ALAC approves the following two rules to the 
ALAC Rules of Procedure:

* If a RALO Chair position is not currently filled, or if a RALO 
Chair is available to participate as an elector, or if a RALO Chair 
also holds a vote as an ALAC member, the RALO for his/her region will 
name a replacement for the purposes of the vote. This replacement 
must be approved by vote of the RALO according to its rules.

* If an ALAC member is unavailable to participate as an elector, the 
RALO for his/her region will name a replacement for the purposes of 
the vote. This replacement must be approved by vote of the RALO 
according to its rules.

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