[ALAC] Motions to approve RoP Adjunct Documents 01 and 04.

Rinalia Abdul Rahim rinalia.abdulrahim at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 22:43:31 UTC 2013


On Jul 2, 2013 6:08 AM, "Alan Greenberg" <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca> wrote:

> I submit the following two motions as previously discussed. Once
> seconded, I request that the Chair initiate online votes on the two
> motions.
> Alan
> =====================
> Whereas the ALAC approved a revised Rules of Procedure on 03 April
> 2013 and to become effective several associated documents also need
> to be approved by the ALAC
> It is resolved that the ALAC approves the ALAC Rules of Procedure
> Adjunct Document 01 - Position Description for ALAC Members, Liaisons
> and Appointees dated 2013-06-19. The document is linked at
> https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Rules+of+Procedure.
> ------------
> Whereas the ALAC approved a revised Rules of Procedure on 03 April
> 2013 and to become effective several associated documents also need
> to be approved by the ALAC
> It is resolved that the ALAC approves the ALAC Rules of Procedure
> Adjunct Document 04 - At-Large Structure Framework dated 2013-06-19.
> He document is linked at
> https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Rules+of+Procedure.
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