[ALAC] Red Cross/IOC - Questions for Consensus Call - Reply due by September 26th

sandra hoferichter info at hoferichter.eu
Fri Sep 21 05:41:02 UTC 2012

Dear Evan et all, 

I consider point 5 as the most challenging point. Isn't the GNSO looking into this a while ago with no concrete proposal? Hasn't it been discussed within ICANN since the applicants book was drafted? To propose a working and robust proposal to protect nontrademarked public interest names is IMHO nothing we can just do alone.  I think it would be wise to collaborate with other AC SO. (it is all about breaking silos). Saying that I have also problems with point 2. (addressing the board directly). But I agree to the rest:)

My two cent's

Best Sandra

(Note: This message was send from my iPhone - I do apologise for any misspelling.)

Am 20.09.2012 um 17:21 schrieb Evan Leibovitch <evan at telly.org>:

>> Actually, in parallel to what Alan is suggesting, I would actually like to
>> propose a formal advice to the Board demanding public accountability
>> regarding why the IOC and RC are insisted to be linked. Such a path
>> undermines public confidence in an organization, that can't tell the
>> difference --regarding public protection -- between a humanitarian body and
>> one that merely seeks to maximize sponsorship revenue.
> In line with some of the comments by Avri and others, some other At-Large
> members have agreed to join an effort to create such a statement, intended
> for ALAC approval.
> The staterment is intended to:
> 1) Be concise (no more than a page or two)
> 2) Primarily target the Board, not the GNSO
> 3) Deal with the proposed mechanisms, including PDPs and temporary lists
> 4) Address the foolishness of combining the IOC and RC, as a warning about
> ICANN's positioning itself to make judgements about groups worthy of
> protection (and who isn't)
> 5) Suggest an alternate robust method to protect non-trademarked
> public-interest names.
> The tentative workspace for this effort is at
> https://community.icann.org/x/wowoAg
> - Evan
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