[ALAC] ICANN meeting on Fridays

Evan Leibovitch evan at telly.org
Tue Mar 27 19:46:38 UTC 2012

I disagree with removing Friday, but for far different reasons than Tijani.

I may be well known for having zero interest in what I call the miserable
"Board Theatre" that takes place Fridays. In Costa Rica I attended out of
support for Olivier, who presented the ALAC report to a generally empty
room early in the morning. I personally have little interest in events that
are, by design, non-interactive, with the Board taking final votes (and
speeches) on matters already decided previously. Real conflict rarely
happens in the open meetings. The reports (and comments accompanying
dissenting votes) could/should be done in the form of pre-recorded
slideshows or videos which could be easily seen by anyone in the community
at any time.

Having said that, I see first hand the absolute panic that At-Large staff
has in advance of all meetings, cramming our various meetings into every
possible available space. So I would argue that we still need the Friday --
but we need it for something more than Board threatre, we need it to reduce
pressure on the rest of the week.

If I had my way I would have the Thursday At-Large "wrap up" meeting take
place Friday morning, freeing Thursday up for other things, such as
At-Large working groups which could use the time to write proposals for
ALAC consideration on Friday and/or the public forum. These proposals could
then be accepted or referred back to RALOs as necessary.

The tradition of an open ALAC executive meeting Friday afternoons works
well and is worth preserving. And to those who want to blow off Friday
afternoon for tourism after an exhausting week (and don't have to be at the
ExCom meeting), you earned it. (Well, most of you ;-) .)

- Evan

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