[ALAC] When will ALAC make its conflict of interest statement?

Avri Doria avri at acm.org
Mon Mar 19 22:42:44 UTC 2012


It is true, I was only in some of the meetings.  Then again, I am not a member of ALAC, only of At-large, and I have concerns and involvements all over the ICANN map.  I don't see what that has to do with my view that it is a stretch to go from ALAC not-issuing a particular statement to accusations of ALAC being incapable of fulfilling it mission.

And you are right, you are one of the leaders of At-Large, not of ALAC.  Still if this statement is an important one, especially in an US context, why hasn't NARALO made such a statement of its own.  I assume it is allowed to speak for itself.  And you are the leader of that, i don't remember the discussion of such a NARALo letter.  Why not take that approach as opposed to the journalistic approach, which I assume would be similar to Rod's scorched earth opening speech.


On 19 Mar 2012, at 15:51, Beau Brendler wrote:

> Avri, as I recall, you weren't in many of the ALAC meetings in Costa Rica. The topic of the statement was brought up early in the week, and several members of the ALAC expressed interest in it, but wanted to see it rewritten for a variety of reasons. It was sent to the ALAC ex com on Thursday. It was discussed all week.
> Also, you wrote: "As you are one of the leaders of ALAC..."
> Not really. I have no vote or position in ALAC. I'm not on the executive committee. Haven't had for about a year and a half.
> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Avri Doria <avri at acm.org>
>> Sent: Mar 19, 2012 4:31 PM
>> To: ALAC Working List <alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
>> Subject: Re: [ALAC] When will ALAC make its conflict of interest statement?
>> Hi,
>> I have a question: as the chair of NARALO, has NARALO made such a statement yet?
>> Also I think it is a long stretch from the evidence that the ALAC did not take an issue that you, and the NYT, think is of primary important to the conclusion that ALAC is incapable of carrying out its mission.  As you are one of the leaders of ALAC, I wonder whether taking the journalists approach is the right approach.
>> avri
>> On 19 Mar 2012, at 15:14, Beau Brendler wrote:
>>> Since the ALAC does not consider such issues as those that appear in the New York Times story to be of importanance, then I am forced to conclude that ALAC is not capable in its current construction to carry out its mission to speak for the Internet user. I have been asked by one of the publications I write for to put together a story about what's going on here, and I believe I have no other choice, in fact, am obligated as a journalist to cite ALAC's failure to raise this issue sooner (or at all).
>>> Beau Brendler
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