[ALAC] APRALO Consultation on Board Director Candidates

Hong Xue hongxueipr at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 11:48:13 UTC 2010

Hi, Oliver,

> Actually, the vote on petitioning for an additional candidate(s) should
> be concluded in time for the community call for candidate debate,
> otherwise, how could the successfully petitioned candidate(s) take part
> in this call?

I hope ABSdt could come up with a solution but I don't have any at the
moment. Please refer to the timeline specified, regional consultation,
3-RALO joint petition and candidates/applicants' campaigning are all
occurring simultaneously. So, to my understanding, all the
"applicants" out of the slate should have opportunity for campaigning,
including taking part in debates. In any case, I don't think ALSes
should be urged to make quick decision. 7 days for regional polling is
already pressing.


Dr. Hong Xue
Professor of Law
Director of Institute for the Internet Policy & Law (IIPL)
Beijing Normal University
19 Xin Jie Kou Wai Street
Beijing 100875 China

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