[ALAC] maybe some topic of conversation

Drake William william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch
Tue Dec 7 15:39:26 UTC 2010

Hi Beau

All sounds good, glad to see folks collaborating without borders, and will be good to have you more involved with NC.



On Dec 6, 2010, at 8:57 PM, Beau Brendler wrote:

> sorry I can't be there tonight, but...
> after consultation with Avri, Alex Gakuru and I sent this note to the NCSG mailing lists today. I also sent it to the ALAC internal list.
> -------------------------------------------
> Hello, colleagues.
> Alex Gakuru and I have been having some offline chats since Nairobi, when we had that meeting in the upstairs room of the KCC and the atmosphere was charged with the emotions of people wanting to make a difference. Alex is not here in Cartagena but after consultation with Avri, we chose this approach -- my hope is Alex will follow on with a message of his own...meantime, I am excerpting the following from an exchange Alex and I had recently:
> ---------------------------------------------------
> "{To Avri...}Beau and I have been having a private conversation around advancing
> consumer interests in ICANN. Where, given our organisational
> backgrounds, we are both deeply concerned at its slow pace, or lack
> thereof. Meanwhile, we both strongly believe that consumers interests
> continue to suffer. Necessitating a fresh approach, re-look and
> strategic realignments in order to achieve that which is in consumers
> best interests.
> Therefore: -
> a) we have agreed to combine our efforts,
> b) to work closely to strengthen consumer protections,
> c) combine our efforts through NCSG,
> d) Beau and I drive the consumers agenda
> e) Beg you announce this to the community
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Given the many staff departures at ICANN, personally, I have found it hard to get consumer-focused activities off the ground, despite the new rhetoric in the ICANN strategic plans. I also think ICANN was anxious to portray itself as interested in consumer issues, prior to the end of the JPA. Since then, I don't think it cares a whole lot, and the "consumer choice" buzzword that keeps popping up in ICANN documents just doesn't connect with me. 
> My hope is that a combined effort will force ICANN to deal with consumer issues and assure the community that we are not prepared to stand by and watch ICANN continue to morph into a registrar's trade association.
> More from Alex to come.
> Regards,
> Beau Brendler, about to be a former member of ALAC, and about to be chairman of the North American RALO.
> -----Original Message-----
>> From: William Drake <william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch>
>> Sent: Dec 6, 2010 10:42 AM
>> To: NCSG-NCUC-DISCUSS at listserv.syr.edu, alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>> Subject: [ALAC] NCSG/ALAC Dinner Tonight
>> Hello,
>> A few of us have been digging around trying to find a place for the dinner
>> tonight.  Given that food quality doesn't seem to vary too much we thought
>> atmosphere for hanging out was the key variable, and after speaking with
>> Angela, our handler at the Hilton, Wolf and I took her advice that San Pedro
>> is the best in that regard and booked it for 19:30. People who attended the
>> GNSO Council-board dinner Saturday have already been there, sorry, but it
>> seemed the best choice, centrally located on San Pedro square, big roof top
>> dining with great view etc.  It's an easy stroll there directly from the
>> conference center, and they serve drinks right on the square if anyone gets
>> there early.
>> When we did the Doodle poll http://doodle.com/zd2vhg97tuayyhr5 18 people
>> said they were available tonight, but I know of at least three on that list
>> who won't be coming due to travel problems etc.  So we booked for around 15.
>> Presumably they'll be able to accommodate however many show if additional
>> folks want to come.
>> The details are in Wolf's message below.
>> If anyone who Doodled yes knows they're not coming, maybe let one of us know
>> so we can adjust the reservation if necessary...?
>> Thanks
>> Bill
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Wolf Ludwig <wolf.ludwig at comunica-ch.net>
>> Date: Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:12 PM
>> Subject: Re: Cartagena Restaurants
>> To: William Drake <william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch>
>> Cc: Evan Leibovitch <evan at telly.org>
>> Hi,
>> Angela just confirmed the reservation at San Pedro for tonight:
>> for around 15 people at 19:30 PM (on her name and Mr. Drake)
>> Couldn't give me any Web details - and I checked by myself again.
>> Found the following:
>> Café San Pedro
>> Plaza San Pedro N° 30-11
>> 57 5 664 18 88
>> Facing the San Pedro convent, this restaurant benefits from a gorgeous
>> location right in the middle of the historical center. Chef Diego Camacho
>> has a love for healthy food with little or no fat—a taste not very common in
>> Colombia. Camacho is also influenced by the Asian cuisines: his “Shangaï
>> Chicken” is cooked in a mandarin juice and his Ceviche borrows from a Thai
>> passport. Surprisingly, he also prepares a large assortment of sushi. The
>> place is popular and often crowded, so it’s a good idea to make
>> reservations. Service can be a little slow.
>> See
>> http://www.gayot.com/travel/citytrips/cartagena/restaurants.html
>> ***********************************************************
>> William J. Drake
>> Senior Associate
>> Centre for International Governance
>> Graduate Institute for International and
>> Development Studies
>> Geneva, Switzerland
>> william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch
>> http://www.williamdrake.org
>> ***********************************************************
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