[LAC-Discuss] Vote on LACRALO ALAC Representative

Matthias Langenegger matthias.langenegger at icann.org
Fri Oct 3 15:49:45 EDT 2008

Dear all,

Following Carlton's email (see below) we will now start the vote on the LACRALO ALAC representative. The authorized ALS representatives will shortly receive an email with their voting credentials.

The question to be put is:

"Shall Carlos Aguirre be re-elected as a Member of the At-Large Advisory
Committee with a term to commence at the conclusion of the ICANN Annual
General Meeting for 2008, and expiring at the conclusion of the ICANN AGM in

With responses as follows:


The vote will be open until 10 October at 1500 UTC.


Nick Ashton-Hart, Matthias Langenegger, Frederic Teboul
ICANN At-Large Staff
email: staff at atlarge.icann.org

------ Forwarded Message
From: Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels at uwimona.edu.jm>
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 19:15:02 -0700
To: Matías Altamira <matias at altamiragigena.com.ar>, Erick Iriarte Ahon <faia at amauta.rcp.net.pe>, Atlarge Staff <staff at atlarge.icann.org>, <lac-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
Cc: "ALAC-excom at atlarge-lists.icann.org" <alac-excom at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
Subject: Re: [ALAC-ExCom] [LAC-Discuss] Elections Process in LACRALO

No, I STRONGLY disagree and is unalterably opposed to re-run the elections.

The requirements for the election process were well advertised. The
candidates fulfilled all the requirements. Two candidates were duly
nominated. One candidate withdrew BEFORE the election.  That was his
unfettered right.  Where I come from, the last man standing is elected and

Alfa Redi exercised a right under the rules to call for a division.  I
personally believe that this position is not useful, especially in a
voluntary organization.  But I will defend to the end Alfa Redi's right to
invoke the rules and take it my DUTY to protect that right.

We shall have a vote.   Enough already!

Version Espanol:

No, estoy firmemente en desacuerdo y es inalterable frente a volver a
ejecutar las elecciones.

Los requisitos para el proceso electoral se anuncian así. Los candidatos
cumplen todos los requisitos. Dos candidatos fueron debidamente designados.
Uno de los candidatos se retira antes de las elecciones. Ese era su derecho
irrestricto. De donde yo vengo, el último hombre de pie es elegido y

Alfa Redi ejercido un derecho en virtud de las normas de convocatoria de una
división. Personalmente, creo que esta posición no es útil, especialmente en
una organización voluntaria. Pero voy a defender hasta el final Alfa Redi
del derecho a invocar las normas y tener a mi deber de proteger a ese

Tendremos una votación. Basta ya!


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