[LAC-Discuss] Board Liason y ALAC Rep

Nick Ashton-Hart Nick.Ashton-Hart at icann.org
Mon Sep 29 10:00:12 EDT 2008

Dear All:

FYI, the candidate's name is actually Beau Brendler, not Blender.

On 29/09/2008 15:03, "Erick Ahon" <eiriarte at alfa-redi.org> wrote:


For Board Liason Alfa-Redi support Beau Blender. Please be clear when
you express regional position, we didn't have consensus, we have
perhaps a majority for a candidate, and please make a consolidation
of supports to be clear how many and which one support who.

For ALAC Rep, we waiting for the process for voting, and want to know
the final results, but explicitly we want to express our concern
about the necessity of diversity in the maintenance of a process of
democracy. We really wanted someone from a different organization and
different region, also we wanted more than discussion about voting
and about travels.

We feel that we lose time and energy in saw how our efforts means
nothing for someone, in special when used the positions only for
personal things. And when the LACRALO is only a title in a paper.

Also i want to express that we don't support the unique candidate for
ALAC Rep, we will waiting for the final the process, we wanted almost
the 50% of the ALS voting positive (not blank not against) for the
unique candidate (the worst democracy is the silent democracy and
where you only have a unique candidate).

Erick Iriarte Ahon

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Nick Ashton-Hart
Director for At-Large
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