[LAC-Discuss] FW: [ALAC] Statement on Stakeholder Group Openness

Carlton Samuels carlton.samuels at uwimona.edu.jm
Wed Sep 10 14:13:51 EDT 2008

Dear Colleagues:
See hereunder, a draft statement seeking ALAC's consent for presentation for
the ICANN Board. Unfortunately, it is not available in Spanish and requires
translation to ensure it is available to a wider LACRALO audience.

All this aside, my reading is that it merely affirms a principle to which we
are severally committed. On that basis, the Secretariat recommends that
LACRALO signal our support thru our representatives.

Kind regards,
Carlton Samuels
LACRALO Secretariat


-----Original Message-----
From: alac-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org
[mailto:alac-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org] On Behalf Of Alan Greenberg
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 12:50 AM
To: ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
Subject: [ALAC] Statement on Stakeholder Group Openness

At its August 28th meeting, the Board approved a number of aspects of 
GNSO restructuring. Included in its resolution was the following:

"The Board requests that existing constituencies confirm their status 
with the Board during the intervening time period, and requires 
constituencies to formally confirm their status every 3 years to 
ensure that they continue to meet the requirements of Article X, 
Section 5, subsection 3 of the ICANN Bylaws. This will be an 
opportunity for existing constituencies to demonstrate compliance 
with the principles of representativeness, openness, transparency and 
fairness set forth in the ICANN Bylaws."

This reaffirms and in fact strengthens the Board's oversight of GNSO 
Constituencies and is in line with a request we made to the Board 
through our Liaison.

However, it is troubling that the statements are solely in reference 
to principles of representativeness, openness, transparency and 
fairness of Constituencies, and not of Stakeholder Groups once they 
are defined in the Bylaws.

I volunteered to draft a statement to the Board commenting on this 
and I propose the following statement to be sent to the Board at 
least one week prior to their meeting of September 30.

I furthermore suggest the following time line for approval:
- Comments received by Friday, Sept. 12, 1200 UTC
- Revised statement issued and vote called by no later than Monday, 
Sept. 15, 2008



The ALAC notes with pleasure that at its meeting of August 28, 2008, 
the Board clarified and reaffirmed the requirement that 
Constituencies within the restructured GNSO meet and continue to meet 
principles of representativeness, openness, transparency and fairness.

Given that within the restructured GNSO, a principal entity will be 
the Stakeholders Group, and that it is at this level that Council 
seats will be allocated amongst its Constituencies, it is critical 
that the mechanism for such allocation be completely transparent.

Accordingly, the ALAC recommends that when the Bylaws are amended to 
include references to Stakeholder Groups, that they too are obliged 
to adhere to similar principles of representativeness, openness, 
transparency and fairness.

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