[LAC-Discuss] [NA-Discuss] 20 August 1400 UTC: Briefing Session on the Amendments on the RAA

Nick Ashton-Hart Nick.Ashton-Hart at icann.org
Tue Aug 12 09:24:42 EDT 2008

That is indeed correct - this is quite deliberate.

Since it was clear that the materials would take some time to translate into Spanish and French, and because Cheryl (and others on ALAC) felt it was important that all of At-Large - English, French, and Spanish speakers alike - should be able to participate in forming an At-Large position on the RAA Amendments, we waited to setup the briefing until the materials were ready, and then allowed a few days (actually about 2 weeks) for the spanish and french speakers to read the documents in advance of the briefing. ICANN Staff are aware that At-Large was deliberately waiting to make a statement as a whole community until after the translations were ready

We are doing our best to provide all of At-Large with equal ability to review and comment on important subjects such as the RAA. We don't always succeed - in this instance I think we actually have.

I hope very much that everyone looks carefully at these important documents since they affect all those who register a domain.

On 12/08/2008 15:07, "Evan Leibovitch" <evan at telly.org> wrote:

At-Large Staff wrote:
> We would like to invite you to a briefing and discussion session attended by
> Tim Cole, Chief Registrar Liaison, and the At-Large RAA Working Group and
> members of the At-Large community on the Draft amendments to the Registrar
> Accreditation Agreement (RAA). The public consultation period on the RAA has
> recently ended in English, but the consultation materials were posted in
> French and Spanish on 6th August and comments in those languages will be
> taken until the end of August.
So let me get this straight.

A briefing on the RAA is happening _after_ the deadline for comments has
passed, unless the comments are in French or Spanish in which case
comments are still accepted.

To compound the irony, it is likely that the primary language of the
briefing will be English, the home tongue of both Tim and Beau.

- Evan



Nick Ashton-Hart
Director for At-Large
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Main Tel: +33 (450) 40 46 88
USA DD: +1 (310) 578-8637
Fax: +41 (22) 594-85-44
Mobile: +41 (79) 595 54-68
email: nick.ashton-hart at icann.org
Win IM: ashtonhart at hotmail.com / AIM/iSight: nashtonhart at mac.com / Skype: nashtonhart
Online Bio:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashtonhart

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