[LAC-Discuss] Major News: RAA Agreement in Spanish

Carlton Samuels carlton.samuels at uwimona.edu.jm
Mon Aug 11 13:54:15 EDT 2008

Dear Nick:

I agree this is a very important development that should be messaged to the
At-Large organisations and it has.


I’m equally convinced that the response of the United States Government to
these changes be messaged to the community.   See the official response at:



Querido Nick: 
Estoy de acuerdo en que se trata de un acontecimiento muy importante que
debe messaged a la At-Large y las organizaciones que tiene. 

Estoy igualmente convencido de que la respuesta del Gobierno de los Estados
Unidos a estos cambios se messaged a la comunidad. Véase la respuesta
oficial a: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/comments/2008/ICANN_080801.html 






From: Nick Ashton-Hart [mailto:Nick.Ashton-Hart at icann.org] 
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 02:04 PM
To: Vanda Scartezini UOL; carlos aguirre; Josè Ovidio Salgueiro A.; Carlton
Subject: Major News: RAA Agreement in Spanish


Dear Vanda, Carlos, Jose, and Carlton:

I wanted to bring to your attention something which it seems to me is really
an important development.

In translating the RAA Amendments process, we have also translated the
redlined version of the RAA Agreement itself, as the redlined changes which
the consultation has proposed are redlined changes in the original text

This is the first time this important agreement has ever been available in
any version other than English. 

I hope very much that LACRALO will make use of this, especially since so
many trained lawyers exist in LACRALO, and that the ALSes will distribute
these materials to their members who are lawyers for their review of the
RAA, and the amendments, with a view to how these changes protect

There will be an announcement of a teleconference to discuss the RAA
Amendments shortly. I hope you will encourage LACRALO members to join the
teleconference (it will be in Spanish and French) to ask questions and
provide comments.

Nick Ashton-Hart
Director for At-Large
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Main Tel: +33 (450) 40 46 88
USA DD: +1 (310) 578-8637
Fax: +41 (22) 594-85-44
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email: nick.ashton-hart at icann.org
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Online Bio:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashtonhart 

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