[LAC-Discuss] LACRALO Teleconference

Carlton Samuels carlton.samuels at uwimona.edu.jm
Fri Jul 11 13:39:26 EDT 2008

Dear Daniel:

There is no doubt that these topics are important to internet users.  But as
laudable as the general education on Internet issues to ordinary users may
be, it is a stretch to make them part of the ICANN agenda and to become part
of the remit for which LACRALO is mutually bound to ICANN to support.
Bottomline, it would be difficult to attract ICANN investment to this


LACRALO has proposed that ICANN fund and develop messages suitable for
ordinary users – by language, message construction and distribution - about
it role and processes.  The report from Kieran McCarthy at the Paris meeting
has shown that much of what we have proposed is embraced and is happening.
We anxiously await the time when these are available for distribution to the
channels in our own countries but this is not to say LACRALO may not define
and action secondary messages that we might find useful.  The only
requirement is that we ensure it is not confused with ICANN approved


Kind regards,





From: Daniel Monastersky [mailto:danielmonastersky at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 12:13 PM
To: Carlton Samuels
Cc: LAC Discuss
Subject: Re: [LAC-Discuss] LACRALO Teleconference


Teleconference Topic 


Una de las premisas de ICANN es la difusión de las actividades del organismo
y la educación de los usuarios. Lamentablemente muchas personas y sobre todo
usuarios de internet no conocen que es ICANN ni cuales son sus competencias.
Propongo la asignación de presupuesto, si es aplicable, para poder realizar
campañas de difusión en los topics relacionados con la seguridad de los
datos, la prevención de los delitos en la red y los robos de identidad.


Daniel Monastersky




Daniel Monastersky
Abogado Especialista en Derecho de las Nuevas 

Tecnologías y Protección de Datos
Tel: +54 11 4372-1400
Cel: +54 11 5713-8406
 <http://www.techlaw.com.ar/> www.techlaw.com.ar

 <http://www.identidadrobada.com/> www.identidadrobada.com 

www.hispasec..com <http://www.hispasec..com/>  




2008/7/10 Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels at uwimona.edu.jm>:

Dear Colleagues:

Please be reminded of the LACARALO Teleconference scheduled for July 17 at
1300 UTC.   Please submit Agenda Items for the Draft Agenda to me.

Kind regards,


Carlton A. Samuels

LACRALO Secretariat

Email: carlton.samuels at uwimona.edu.jm

Mobile: (876) 383-3964

Office:   (876) 927-2148

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