[LAC-Discuss] ALAC Telecon 8 April 1330 UTC

Carlton Samuels carlton.samuels at uwimona.edu.jm
Tue Apr 8 12:53:17 EDT 2008

LACRALO Secretariat is wholly pleased that in ALAC's draft comments to the
ICANN Board re FY2008/2009 Budget and Operations, specific attention was
directed to a) ICANN's responsibility to invest in messaging ordinary
Internet users about its role and responsibilities in language that they can
understand 2) the absolute necessity to provide translation services for its
working documents and the like.

I would *strongly* encourage ALAC to add a specific directive that broadcast
radio communication be considered and included as a priority communication
channel.  I would also recommend that ALAC suggest ICANN examine the BBC
language translation model as a possible solution to the challenges of
multi-language support. 

You all should know that in this Secretariat's intuit, these are simply the
most important initiatives for the at-large constituency if we are going to
improve and extend the voluntary and participatory governance model to which
ICANN is committed.

Kind regards,

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