[LAC-Discuss] Jabber Conference room for At-Large

Nick Ashton-Hart Nick.Ashton-Hart at icann.org
Thu Mar 20 07:25:52 EDT 2008

Dear All:

I have had a Jabber conference room setup for At-Large, in the hopes that this might be a good option not only for use during teleconferences - to ask to speak on calls with interpretation, for example - but in general. There has been some testing of it by members of ALAC and the Secretariats. Those of you joining the teleconference today may wish to try it out to help "raise your hand" to speak as this will help the interpretation.

Here are instructions on how to access it.

To use the jabber room we set up for you, every user needs to have a gmail or jabber account. If you do not already have a Jabber account, but you do have a gmail account, you can use that.

You will also need a Jabber client - you will find a list of popular Jabber clients which are freely usable at http://www.jabber.org/software/clients.shtml).

Once you have installed a client, open the jabber client, login with your gmail account (i.e.: if you are using Adium on a Mac, choose "Google talk" as the account type).

Next, in the jabber client, join the jabber room (i.e. In Adium, under "File", choose "Join Group Chat") by specifying the conference room as "At-Large", server as "conference.jabber.icann.org". There is at present no password. (p.s. For Adium, give any Nickname you like for yourself as the "Handle".)

If you are on a PC, we have received  the following from Didier Kasole of AFRALO on his use of Psi 0.11:

I choose client Psi 0.11, that can be downlaoded at : http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=psi&filename=psi-0.11-win-setup.exe&use_mirror=kent
Installed it, end use my gmail account to connect
>From Psi menu, I selected "General", "Join GroupCaht"
Filled the from as follow :
Host : conference.jabber.icann.org <http://conference.jabber.icann.org>
Room : at-large
Nickname : <your choice of nickname>



Nick Ashton-Hart
Director for At-Large
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Main Tel: +33 (450) 40 46 88
USA Tel: +1 (202) 657-5460
Fax: +41 (22) 594-85-44
Mobile: +41 (79) 595 54-68
email: nick.ashton-hart at icann.org
Win IM: ashtonhart at hotmail.com / AIM/iSight: nashtonhart at mac.com / Skype: nashtonhart
Online Bio:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashtonhart

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