[LAC-Discuss] Guide to Domain Names in Generic Top-Level Domains

At-Large Staff staff at alac.icann.org
Fri Feb 29 10:01:44 EST 2008

Dear Community:

As some of you know, some time ago a draft Guide to Domain Names was
prepared by an ICANN consultant with a view to having it published for the
use of the individual Internet community worldwide.

During the At-Large community meetings in New Delhi, it was decided that the
work of preparing the guide for publication should be concluded by allowing
members of the community to provide any comments, proposed edits, or
thoughts for inclusion in the published text not later than 31 March 2008.

I have attached the current draft of the text for you to review. We will
have translated editions prepared of the final edition - unfortunately the
cost of translating something that may (depending upon how many comments and
the nature of the comments) change a great deal makes translating the text
now difficult.


1) This is the raw text of the guide. The version to be published will be
prepared in a desktop publishing environment to make it attractive and
visually appealing. Of course, until the basic text is completed, it is hard
to decide precisely how to format the guide in a DTP application - that's
why we are having it done

2) It has been suggested that some graphics would be useful. This of course
is entirely sensible. If you have ideas for what these should be, please let
us know. You do not have to be very specific - something like the following
would work: "Put in a pie chart showing the total number of registered
domains in all gTLDs, broken down by gTLD"

3) Is there something which could be included that would be specific for
your region of the world? Let us know - there's no problem with producing
regionally-specific versions of the guide, if you think that would be more

4) Revision tracking is turned on, so if you want to edit the text directly
and send that to us, feel free. Equally, you can just send us narrative
suggestions - please remember though that we need enough specificity to be
able to understand what to change. If your comment is extremely general,
that will make it difficult to know what we should change. If we are unsure
of what you mean, we will reply and ask you for more details.

ICANN At-Large Staff
email: staff at alac.icann.org

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