[LAC-Discuss] Minutes, Recordings, and Transcripts of At-Large meetings

Nick Ashton-Hart nick.ashton-hart at icann.org
Thu May 3 08:33:52 EDT 2007

Dear colleagues:

As many of you know, there have been difficulties and delays with  
minutes of At-Large meetings being posted expeditiously or in a  
consistent way. This email is to update you on a standardised process  
going forward which should greatly improve records-keeping and  
resolve all these issues.

Henceforward, we will be handling these duties in a different way, so  
that they will be posted much more quickly:

1) We will be recording meetings at ICANN International meetings  
onsite. The recordings will then be immediately available, instead of  
waiting for the conference service to make them available (we have  
also had technical problems and delays with accessing recordings from  
the conference service, especially in respect of very long meetings  
such as are regularly a feature of international meetings).

  For teleconferences, these recordings will be posted, as has been  
the case for several months now, as soon as we have access to them.

2) The recordings will be sent directly off for transcription;  
generally the transcripts will come back in a matter of a few days -  
at which point they will be posted.

3) Very summarised minutes will be produced which give only: those  
attending / not attending, decisions taken, voting results, and  
agenda items tabled for discussion at a later meeting - because they  
are so summarised, you can expect these meetings to be available  
within minutes after the meeting concludes.

To update you on the secretariat-activities left over from the Lisbon  
meetings: We are in the process of uploading recordings of the  
African and European regional meetings, and also the ALAC meetings,  
from the Lisbon ICANN meeting.

These recordings will be transcribed as well, and having sourced an  
affordable transcription service, we are now in the process of  
getting the transcriptions done.

Both transcripts and audio recordings will be posted as they become  

Please accept our apologies for the delays in these administrative  
tasks from Lisbon in particular. The volume of meetings - the  
European meetings alone ran to more than 24 hours of meeting time -  
has done us the favour of exposing the lack of scalability of our  
previous procedures, but this has also provided an opportunity to  
improve the accessibility of meeting results and information.


All of the material related to meetings of the community will  
continue to be posted on the wikis. The URLs for all of the wikis are  
now visible from the bottom of the front page of each Wiki, and also  
at alac.icann.org - to make them all easier to find.

Nick Ashton-Hart
Director, At-Large
PO Box 32160
London N4 2XY
United Kingdom
Main Tel: +44 (20) 8800-1011]
USA Tel: +1 (202) 657-5460
Fax: +44 (20) 7681-3135
mobile: +44 (7774) 932798
email: nick.ashton-hart at icann.org
Win IM: ashtonhart at hotmail.com / AIM/iSight: nashtonhart at mac.com /  
Skype: nashtonhart
Online Bio:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashtonhart

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