[LAC-Discuss] [EURO-Discuss] [At-Large] Preparing for Lisbon: Resolutions from At-Large to the larger community?

Nick Ashton-Hart nick.ashton-hart at icann.org
Fri Mar 2 05:52:26 EST 2007

Not sure what you mean there - you mean the Lisbon agenda?

If that is what you mean, that will happen - I have provided
information for the Lisbon schedule to the conferences team so it
should appear shortly. On the teleconference on the 6th ALAC will
decide what to talk about at the two scheduled meetings of the
committee, and then that will be on the calendar as well.

On 02/03/07, Wolfgang Kleinwächter
<wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de> wrote:
> Dear Nick
> it would be probably helpful to integrate the planned AL-Meeting in Lisbon into the overall agenda on ICANNs website. This would allow also other people to coordinate their calendars.
> Thanlks
> wolfgang


Nick Ashton-Hart
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