[LAC-Discuss] Per Diem for San Juan - IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT

At-Large Travel Staff travel-staff at atlarge-lists.icann.org
Fri Jun 15 03:27:30 EDT 2007

I'm happy to report that due to popular request, we will be able to  
change from paying per-diems after the meeting to paying them out, in  
cash, onsite in San Juan!

Here's how it will work:

1) We have compiled a list using the itineraries provided to us by  
American Express, and for those few of you who were approved to buy  
your tickets individually.

2) The per-diem rules in the travel policy will be used to calculate  
the number of days' per-diem you will receive. Except for those who  
already are approved for meeting requirements before the Sunday, or  
who are in specific situations with long-haul travel involving  
stopovers, per-diems will be paid out on a MAXIMUM number of 7 days -  
calculated based upon the period of 23 - 29 June INCLUSIVE. Of course  
if you depart later than the 23rd, or return home earlier than the  
30th, these dates and days of PD will be different.

3) At the beginning of the meetings on Sunday, 24th June, we will be  
handing out envelopes to each of you and asking you to sign receipts.  
This will take place at the LAC meeting room for LAC, and the NA  
meeting room for NA. (ALAC members who are in San Juan on Sunday  
morning can pickup your PDs at the same time; if you aren't there  
yet, we'll do it at the first breakfast meeting on Monday)


Question: I've sent in my per diem form already - what will happen to  
Answer: We will check these but you will actually receive your funds  
as outlined above

Question: Do I need to send in a per diem form if I haven't already?
Answer: No.

Question: What if I have a question?
Answer: Send it to: travel-staff at atlarge-lists.icann.org - NOT to any  
individual on staff. We'll be able to answer you much more quickly  
that way.

ICANN At-Large Travel Staff
travel-staff at atlarge-lists.icann.org

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