[lac-discuss-es] Fwd: ATTENTION: Call for membership: Operations, Finance and Budget Working group (OFB-WG) - Open till Dec 13

Harold Arcos harold.arcos at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 20:27:43 UTC 2023

Querida Región,, esperamos que hayan tenido un buen fin de semana.

Por esta vía compartimos la convocatoria que el Grupo de Trabajo de
Operaciones, Finanzas y Presupuesto de AtLarge está haciendo para
integrarse al trabajo continuo que demanda este tema.

Hago un breve recordatorio que nuestra Alac Member LAC, Claire Craig, es
Co-chair de este grupo de trabajo de Atlarge por lo cual propongo que la
consideremos como designada principal allí para ayudarnos a coordinar este
tema en la región junto al Directorio.  Lo que nos ayudará a que estemos
bien actualizados.

Por favor usemos este hilo de correo para quienes quieran expresar el
interés voluntario de conocer, aprender y participar de este importante



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: ICANN At-Large Staff <staff en atlarge.icann.org>
Date: Thu, Dec 7, 2023 at 2:12 PM
Subject: ATTENTION: Call for membership: Operations, Finance and Budget
Working group (OFB-WG) - Open till Dec 13
To: OFB-WG <ofb-wg en icann.org>, Amrita Choudhury <amritachoudhury en ccaoi.in>,
Ali AlMeshal <dralialmeshal en gmail.com>, Aris Ignacio <arisignacio en yahoo.com>,
pavan en dot.asia <pavan en dot.asia>, Hadia El Miniawi <hadiaminiawi en yahoo.com>,
Bram Fudzulani <beatblam en hotmail.com>, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong <
abdeldjalil.bachar en gmail.com>, Sebicann Bachollet <sebicann en bachollet.fr>,
Natalia Filina <filinafilka en gmail.com>, Greg Shatan [NARALO] <
gregshatanalac en gmail.com>, Adrian Schmidt <aschmi en gmail.com>, Harold Arcos <
harold.arcos en gmail.com>, Sergio Porto <presidencia en internauta.org.ar>,
Lance Hinds <brainstreetceo en gmail.com>, Sandra Rodriguez <
sandrattgg39 en gmail.com>
Cc: Claire Craig <claireccraig en gmail.com>, Ricardo Holmquist <
rihogris en gmail.com>, ICANN At-Large Staff <staff en atlarge.icann.org>

Dear All,

On behalf of Claire Craig and Ricardo Holmquist, co- Chairs of the At-Large
Operations, Finance, and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG)
<https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=132940946>, this
is a call for new members and for current members to re-confirm their
interest in remaining.

As noted by Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair, all members of the ALAC are required
to join the OFB-WG and attend the meetings on a regular basis.

Note the objectives of the OFB-WG in its charter.
<https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=132940946> The
tasks of the OFB-WG include:

o    Providing input to, and drafting any statement related to, the ICANN
strategic plan and processes.

o    Providing input to, and drafting any statement related to, ICANN's
operational initiatives.

o    Providing input to, and drafting any statement related to, the ICANN
and IANA/PTI budget process.

o    Providing input to, and drafting any statement related to,
Organizational Reviews and Continuous Improvement.

o    Reviewing any Fiscal Year At-Large Funding Requests for inclusion into
the ALAC’s statement on ICANN’s annual budget and operating plan.

Could you please let the co-chairs and At-Large staff
<staff en atlarge.icann.org>know whether you are interested in joining the
working group or, if you are an existing member, whether you do wish to
continue your membership by *Wednesday, 13 December 2023 , 23:00 UTC*.

Kind regards,

At-Large Staff
ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community
Website: atlarge.icann.org
Facebook: facebook.com/icannatlarge
Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge <https://twitter.com/ICANNAtLarge>

[image: signature_1474846518]
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