[lac-discuss-es] ICANN68 LAC Readout session

Rodrigo Saucedo rodrigo.saucedo at icann.org
Wed Jul 8 12:48:27 UTC 2020

Dear members of LACRALO,

You are all invited to attend the ICANN68 LAC Readout Session, If you weren't able to participate in our virtual Policy Forum, we provide you with another opportunity to learn more on the main topics discussed during the meeting.

When:  Friday 10 May at 15:00 UTC  (Interpretation available in English, Spanish and Portuguese).

Register in advance for this webinar: https://icann.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uCyMi6fPS9Ox55mXCW-l1Q



Rodrigo Saucedo

rodrigo.saucedo en icann.org<mailto:rodrigo.saucedo en icann.org>

Sr. Manager Strategic Initiatives, Latin America and the Caribbean


One World, One Internet

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