[lac-discuss-es] RV: RSVP - ATLAS II Participants as of 23 June

Alberto Soto asoto en ibero-americano.org
Lun Jun 23 15:27:10 UTC 2014

Por favor, contestar hoy si están todos en Londres, estimo que sí hoy vi
llegar al último representante. Por favor, contesten con urgenica.

Muchas gracias


Alberto Soto


De: Gisella Gruber [mailto:Gisella.Gruber en icann.org] 
Enviado el: lunes, 23 de junio de 2014 12:17 p.m.
Para: Alberto Soto; HUMBERTO CARRASCO; Wolf Ludwig; Yuliya Morenets; Aziz
Hilali; Philip Fomba JOHNSON; Mohamed El Bashir; Siranush Vardanyan; Pavan
Budhrani; Fouad Bajwa; Satish Babu; Ali AlMeshal; Glenn McKnight; Garth
CC: Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond; Eduardo Diaz; ICANN At-Large Staff; Tijani
Ben Jemaa
Asunto: RSVP - ATLAS II Participants as of 23 June


Dear All,


We have received the following updated list of ATLAS II Participants by RALO
and then alphabetical order.


Would you be so kind as to confirm that you have met up with all your ALSes?


Please send the list back to Staff only with comments from for YOUR region.


This would be much appreciated - there are several ALSes who we have not had
the pleasure of meeting!


Thank you.

Kind regards,


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