Fwd: Panel de MSI: Un Llamado a la Acción

sebastien en bachollet.com sebastien en bachollet.com
Mar Dic 3 17:00:20 UTC 2013

[[--Translated text (en -> es)--]]

 Asunto: Re: Fwd: Panel de MSI: Un Llamado a la Acción 
 De: sebastien en bachollet.com

 Sí Carlton 1 

 Ideas por número no es siempre una buena idea. 
 En algún momento la pequeña voz es más importante. 
 Tal vez es donde tenemos que ayudar? 
 Todo lo mejor 
 Sbastien Bachollet 
 +33 6 07 66 89 33 
 Blog: http://sebastien.bachollet.fr/ 
 Mail: Sébastien Bachollet <sebastien en bachollet.com>

 Le 12/03/2013 17:33, Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels en gmail.com> un 
 > Realmente temo sobrecarga para nuestra comunidad de voluntarios. Y con él, nuestro 
 > Ausencia 
 > Desde el campo. Patrik [Faltstrom] ha planteado interrogantes cuyas respuestas 
 > Haría 
 > La clave hacia una mejora general de la comprensión de la 
 > Proceso de ..... y el impacto probable de la participación comunitaria. 
 > Todo esto a un lado, le insto a todos ustedes a echar un vistazo aquí. Algunas personas logran 
 > Por números.Y cuando nos fijamos en las estructuras de elaboración de políticas y su 
 > Las operaciones, el Sur - lo que significa África, América Latina y el Caribe - 
 > Son apenas perceptibles. 
 > Sí, existen barreras institucionales. Pero no podemos dejar que los disuadió 
 > Nuestro compromiso. Else corremos el riesgo de ser &quot;re-diseñado&quot; fuera de la 
 > Estructuras .. y aún más marginados. 
 > ============================== 
 > Carlton Un Samuels 
 > Móvil: 876-818-1799 
 > * Estrategia, Planificación, Gobierno, Evaluación y Turnaround * 
 > ============================= 
 > ---------- Mensaje reenviado ---------- 
 > De: David Oliva <david.olive en icann.org>
 > Fecha: Lunes, 02 de diciembre 2013 a las 16:17 
 > Asunto: [SOAC-infoalert] Panel de MSI: Un Llamado a la Acción 
 > Para: &quot;soac-infoalert en icann.org&quot; <soac-infoalert en icann.org>
 > Cc: Antony Declercq <antony.declercq en icann.org>
>    Designing a 21st Century ICANNHello!
>The ICANN Strategy Panel on Multistakeholder
>MSI Panel) and The Governance Lab @ NYU <http://thegovlab.org/> (The
>GovLab) recently launched an online engagement effort aimed at helping to
>design a 21st century Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
>(ICANN) ­ the public interest organization responsible for coordinating
>Internet¹s Domain Name System (DNS).
>We are writing to request your participation in this important initiative
>and to help us spread the word!
>The MSI Panel has been charged with:
>   - Proposing new models for international engagement, consensus-driven
>   policymaking and institutional structures to support such enhanced
>   functions; and
>   - Designing processes, tools and platforms that enable the global ICANN
>   community to engage in these new forms of participatory
>The Panel is a small group of seven with no monopoly on the best ideas for
>what ICANN should or should not do to coordinate the DNS in the public
>interest. All suggestions to make ICANN more effective and more democratic
>­ whether constitutional, structural, legal, procedural or technological ­
>will be welcome.
>While we cannot decide for ICANN, the aim of the MSI Panel is to use its
>authority to push for real change. Thus, we want ideas that are concrete
>and specific for innovative processes, structures, platforms, and
>techniques to design a 21st century ICANN.
>To gather and organize your input ­ we¹re launching this campaign in three
>*Stage 1: Idea Generation* ­ Starting November 19th and running for six
>weeks via an ideation platform, *Ideascale.* You can access our MSI Panel
>community page here <http://bit.ly/1dS9sLp>. On the page, you can submit
>any and all concrete ideas you have. You can rate and rank others¹ for
>importance and practicality. *November 19 - December 31*.
>*Stage 2: Proposal Development* ­ Submissions will be grouped into general
>proposals and opened to discussion using a blog with line-by-line
>annotation features. This phase will be designed to take ideas closer to
>implementation. *January 14 - January 21.*
>*Stage 3: Collaborative Drafting* ­ Using a wiki, we will invite
>collaborative drafting on specific proposals that the Panel will submit to
>the ICANN CEO, Board and community. *January 28 - February 11.*
>To help us spread the word, we ask you to do any of the following:
>   - Submit ideas and encourage members of your network/community to
>   contribute to the Ideascale community site by providing them with the
>   *http://thegovlab.ideascale.com/* <http://thegovlab.ideascale.com/>.
>   - Broadcast our ³Call To Action,² for this initiative, which is online
>   *here* <http://bit.ly/HWNxrW>, as widely as possible within your
>   networks. Feel free to link to this post or repost on your website
>   to fit your needs.
>   - Share this information within your community and network via mailing
>   lists and listservs.
>   - Use social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter to spread the
>   word about the campaign. Don¹t forget to use the hashtag* #WeCANN*.
>   - To inspire participation and learn how to contribute, watch and share
>   a *video* <http://bit.ly/185t28Q> The GovLab has made for the launch of
>   this distributed brainstorm.
>   - Host your own brainstorming forum and share ideas generated with the
>   MSI Panel on our Ideascale community page.
>For more information, visit The GovLab at
>Thanks and best,
>*The MSI Panel & The GovLab*
>soac-infoalert mailing list
>soac-infoalert en icann.org
>At-Large mailing list
>At-Large en atlarge-lists.icann.org
>At-Large Official Site: http://atlarge.icann.org

[[--Original text (en)

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