[lac-discuss-en] URGENT - LACRALO - Reunion ICANN Costa Rica

josefranciscoarce at gmail.com josefranciscoarce at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 18:41:59 UTC 2012

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: URGENT - LACRALO - Reunion ICANN Costa Rica 
 From: josefranciscoarce at gmail.com


 I want to make you aware of how things estndndose respect to 
 events held in the meeting of ICANN 43 in Costa Rica and I 
 would like feedback as soon as they can on the issues, as 
 dates must be confirmed to ICANN staff. 


                                     The General Assembly is scheduled 
 for at first, and nothing is confirmed, to take place in 3 days. 
 The first day would be on Monday with a duration of two hours, another the 
 Wednesdays and an hour on Thursday. Tendramos total of 5 hours 

                                     I also liked 'opinions on 
 topics to be discussed during the general assembly. Ie get up to date with 
 armed agenda and to reach those all give and get the maximum the 
 hours we have. 

 * Summary: We need Opinin the time of the AG and the issues * 


 * 2) SHOWCASE: * 

                       I urgently ask all the collaboration that 
 ALSes come together of their photos, short video telling sb armen who they are and 
 they do and in one page only tell the story of his association 

 I put at the disposal of you a list of potential speakers 
 event for you to review and propose. 

 List of Keynote: Raul Echeverria (LACNIC) 

                                Andres Piazza (LACNIC) 

                                Vanda Scartezini (NONCOM) 

                                Rodrigo de la Parra (ICANN) 

                                Carlos Afonso (NUPEF) 

                     Asmismo I liked that we seek among all the 
 title (theme) to the event, which is sure to condition the talks 

                     For example, the Showcase of Cartagena de Indias was 
 an agenda very well organized 
 can see the results in 
 http://www.atlarge.icann.org/lacralo/cartagena-outreach.htm and even e 
 * at http://www.atlarge.icann.org/lacralo/sights-and-sounds.htm video. * 

 The case of AFRALO Show in Senegal the main theme INTERNET 

 All servirpara that the Working Group can finish Showcase 
 set the agenda of the event in terms of: 

 - Determine the day of the event 

 - Who to invite as speakers deberamos? 

 - Who / is spoken / n during the event 

 - Determine the order of the presentations. 

 - Collect and organize all material for the Showcase ALSes 

 - Deciding what will be the material to be present 

 - Determine if there will be local music bands and dance group sb 

 - Possible table with canapes and a snack. 

 * Summary: We need Opinin of day for the event, speakers and agenda 
 personally to me. * 


 As I speak in the last conference, the idea is to share some 
 give to the scholarship program being conducted by Janice and would share 
 only the first hour (of two) to take advantage of the speakers already 
 committed and that covers much of the themed that were removed from 
 the survey, and the remaining time would be proper to Regin. 

 Personally talk to Janice and the days Sunday and Friday estaramos 
 excluded because they are personal events Scholarship program. As 
 share only stay Monday through Thursday, although I have no agenda in 
 my power but estarpidiendo. 


 Likewise ** and tending an idea of \u200b\u200bthe topics to be discussed, taking 
 basis AFRALO program in Senegal, we are putting together the agenda 
 capacitacin program.Keep sending request to the list or 
 personal views and the issues and who are interested. 


 * We ask the ALSes in the list to confirm their participation LACRALO 
 at the ICANN meeting number 43 in San Josde to Costa Rica. * 


 * CONFIRMATION DEADLINE: Thursday, February 9, 2012 * 



 * Disclaimer: * Many asked me ALSes receive funding and 
 which not. Issue that it was unclear. 

 As I explain in the meeting and at some mail, ICANN has 
 funds for 29 ALSes, which they have for this meeting down any 
 Previous funding, since they already have that are 9 ESTN 

 Example: Ageia Densi, surfer Argentina, TTCs, University of WI and 
 APADIT, ESTN not included. As well as those who reported being ALSes 
 need funding and those that a representative is funded 
 being in a workgroup.

 If the 29 remaining ALSes not confirm some of them, they were 
 take advantage of those places with the representatives of the ALSes that during the 
 AG could not vote. Since many rallied in the list and during the 
 teleconferences and last reason, They will have no such associations 
 voting representation in the General Assembly and deserve to have it. 



 * Summary: We need to confirm their participation. Opinin of the 
 organization of the capacitacin, das asplanteados for the event, 
 Speakers and agenda in general. * 



 President of LACRALO 

[[--Original text (es)

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