[APAC-Discuss] Action: Please send us your event report by 21 Feb

Amrita Choudhury amritachoudhury at ccaoi.in
Fri Feb 16 06:25:19 UTC 2024

Dear All,

As mentioned in the last call, if you or your ALS has done any
outreach and *engagement
initiative in Jan or Feb 2024 *related to ICANNs mandate then.

*Please send us ( bsilwal123 at gmail.com
<bsilwal123 at gmail.com>; phyothiri.lwin at netmission.asia
<phyothiri.lwin at netmission.asia>; pavelpft at gmail.com
<pavelpft at gmail.com>; **manapijp at gmail.com
<manapijp at gmail.com> )  a 100 word update along with a picture (if
available) along with relevant links by **21 Feb 2024*


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