[APAC-Discuss] Your comments requested by 9 June

Amrita Choudhury amritachoudhury at ccaoi.in
Tue Jun 6 07:56:37 UTC 2023

Dear All,
At the ICANN77  ALAC is hosting a community session on the *end user
perspective ahead of the next gTLD application window* on Monday, 12 June,
13:45 - 15:00.   It will be a round table discussion of the five ICANN
RALOs on the new gTLD program. Focusing on topics:

   - Applicant Support
   - IDNs/UA
   - Community applications
   - Promoting the new round
   - Experiences from the previous round
   - RALOs expectations and needs of the next gTLDs rounds

At this round table we will present the APRALO perspective and for that we
request if you could share your *views/ comments inputs on the following
topics by 9 June in this
document  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lTvBBeHo_ZswUJ4W4nFRoX6mB4KdEA5150S2JfD5NQk/edit?usp=sharing

You could share what can be the  advantages  concerns, expectations and
needs related to the above mentioned points ahead of the new gTLD program
from an APAC end user perspective.


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