[APAC-Discuss] **REMINDER** Meeting invitation: APRALO Monthly Call on Thursday, 20 July 2023 at 06:00 UTC

Justine Chew justine.chew.icann at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 01:08:44 UTC 2023

Dear all,

We will be addressing the call for input regarding Applicant Support
resources at this APRALO Monthly meeting, so please attend this meeting if
you would like to participate in that process.

Thank you,

On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 at 22:35, ICANN At-Large Staff via APAC-Discuss <
apac-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:

> ***If you require a dial-out or need to state an apology, please contact
> At-Large staff at **staff at atlarge.icann.org
> <staff at atlarge.icann.org> with your preferred number.***
> Dear All,
> The next *APRALO Monthly meeting* is scheduled on *Thursday, 20 July 2023
> at 06:00 UTC for 60 minutes.*
> For other times: https://tinyurl.com/255knevp
> The agenda (to be updated) and call details can be found at:
> https://community.icann.org/x/u5KZDg
> APRALO wiki workspace: *https://community.icann.org/x/4ZMi
> <https://community.icann.org/x/4ZMi>*
> ADIGO Conference Bridge:
> English Conference ID: 1638
> Toll-free access number (US and Canada): 800 550 6865
> Other toll-free numbers: *http://adigo.com/icann/ [adigo.com]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/adigo.com/icann/__;!!PtGJab4!vep0o9XNm8VNNs9nPHNFiLy-BsBrSzbHfsRyA_Yju3rQIDe-xI_gpC3PE1b8EKKmpiuFszzTNQ$>*
> Zoom Room: *https://icann.zoom.us/j/98894858306?pwd=Tk5taFNHS2NLYWxXTi9Qb201TngyZz09
> <https://icann.zoom.us/j/98894858306?pwd=Tk5taFNHS2NLYWxXTi9Qb201TngyZz09> Password: APRA20JUL**
> Thank you.
> Kind Regards,
> At-Large Staff
> ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community
> Website: atlarge.icann.org
> Facebook: facebook.com/icann <https://www.facebook.com/icannatlarge>
> atlarge <https://www.facebook.com/icannatlarge>
> Twitter: @ <https://twitter.com/ICANNAtLarge>ICANNAtLarge
> <https://twitter.com/ICANNAtLarge>
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> APAC-Discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org
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> Homepage for the region: http://www.apralo.org
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