[APAC-Discuss] UA Day Activity- An Opportunity to Organise a local event with Funding opportunity

Amrita Choudhury amritachoudhury at ccaoi.in
Mon Jan 23 10:02:48 UTC 2023

Dear ALSes and Individual Members,

The *UA day will be held on 28 March 2023*.

UA Day is an opportunity to rally local, communities and organizations
around the world to spread general UA awareness and to encourage UA
adoption with key stakeholders.

The day will consist of UA training, awareness, and strategy sessions held
by the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG), ICANN, global partners,
and regional and local organizations.

ALSes and individual members who are interested are encouraged to organise
sessions at the local level around the world to promote the end users
benefits of UA and encourage the adoption of UA at the local levels.

For conducting local events, the *UASG is offering expert support
(speakers, presentations, etc.) and financial support.*

The deadline for applying  for *funding support requests is 31 January
2023*. More
details are available on the UASG UA 2023 website

*Please plan something  for your community and apply for the funds*. In
case you face any issue please contact staff at atlarge.icann.org


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