[APAC-Discuss] Join the APRALO Dec Monthly Call - Thursday, 21 Dec 6 UTC

nabeel yasin nabeelyasin at gmail.com
Tue Dec 19 07:00:24 UTC 2023

Well noted , thank you Amrita 👍😃

Best Regards

Nabeel Yasin

On Tue, Dec 19, 2023, 9:30 AM Amrita Choudhury via APAC-Discuss <
apac-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:

> Dear APRALO Members,
> Don't forget to join the APRALO December Monthly Call on 21 December 6
> UTC. ! Learn, Contribute & Interact!
> The agenda can be viewed using this link:
> https://community.icann.org/display/APRALO/2023-12-21+APRALO+Monthly+Teleconference
> Joining link:* https://icann.zoom.us/j/93346429950?pwd=Z2VFVS9aWS9oVFluNGYwdGtROE9Cdz09
> <https://icann.zoom.us/j/93346429950?pwd=Z2VFVS9aWS9oVFluNGYwdGtROE9Cdz09> Password: APRA21DEC**
> [image: Invitation APRALO Dec Call.png]
> Regards,
> Amrita
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